ProductsAbaqus/Explicit Using the translatorThe translator requires an input file in block format created by RADIOSS Version 4.4 or 5.1. The input file can have any name and an optional extension. The RADIOSS data entries that are translated are listed in the tables below. Other RADIOSS keywords and data are skipped over and noted in the log file. The translator creates a partial Abaqus input file that contains only the model data and time history output data. You can provide additional output data to complete the input. Element numbering and groupingAll elements in the generated Abaqus input file will have unique element numbers. New element numbers will be assigned automatically to elements with non-unique element numbers in the RADIOSS input. Elements that are assigned the same PART identification number are grouped together in an element set. Elements that have different material or properties must be given different PART identification numbers; that is, the same material and properties must be applicable to all elements grouped in the same element set. If elements that result from the translation of SPRING have different element properties (such as skew systems used to define local directions) and are assigned the same PART identification number, the translator automatically separates them into different element sets. Material modelsThe translator supports only the material models shown in Table 1. All unsupported material models are translated as linear elastic if a stress-strain law definition is required. In these cases the translator provides nominal values for the material properties. Summary of RADIOSS entities translated
Command summaryabaqus fromradiossjobjob-nameinputinput-filesplitAirbagElements{OFFON}readAbaqusDatdata-fileuserDefaultMassreal-numberuserDefaultInertiareal-numberuserHistoryTimereal-number
Command line options