TypeHistory data LevelStep
Abaqus/CAEStep module
Defining output requests in an
One of the following mutually exclusive parameters is required
Set DIAGNOSTICS=YES (default) to indicate that detailed diagnostic information
should be written to the output database. Set DIAGNOSTICS=NO to suppress the output.
Include this parameter to indicate that the output requests used in
conjunction with the
OUTPUT option will be written to the output database as
field-type output.
Include this parameter to indicate that the output requests used in
conjunction with the
OUTPUT option will be written to the output database as
history-type output.
Optional parameters
Set this parameter equal to the output frequency, in increments. The output
will always be written to the output database at the last increment of each
step. Set FREQUENCY=0 to suppress the output.
If this parameter and the NUMBER INTERVAL, TIME INTERVAL, and TIME POINTS parameters are omitted, output will be written at every
increment of the analysis for all procedure types except
MODAL DYNAMIC; output will be written every 10 increments for these
procedure types.
The FREQUENCY, NUMBER INTERVAL, TIME INTERVAL, and TIME POINTS parameters are mutually exclusive.
Include this parameter to indicate that a list of eigenmodes for which
output is desired will be listed on the data lines. This parameter is valid
only in a
BUCKLE procedure, and if the FIELD parameter is included.
Set this parameter equal to the name associated with this output definition.
Set this parameter equal to the number of intervals during the step at which
the output database states are to be written.
If this parameter and the FREQUENCY, TIME INTERVAL, and TIME POINTS parameters are omitted, output will be written at every
increment of the analysis for all procedure types except
MODAL DYNAMIC; output will be written every 10 increments for these
procedure types.
The FREQUENCY, NUMBER INTERVAL, TIME INTERVAL, and TIME POINTS parameters are mutually exclusive.
Set TIME MARKS=YES (default) to write results at the exact times dictated by the NUMBER INTERVAL, TIME INTERVAL, or TIME POINTS parameter.
Set TIME MARKS=NO to write results to the output database at the increment
ending immediately after the time dictated by the NUMBER INTERVAL, TIME INTERVAL, or TIME POINTS parameter.
Set this parameter equal to the name of the
TIME POINTS option that defines the time points at which output is to
be written.
If this parameter and the FREQUENCY, NUMBER INTERVAL, and TIME INTERVAL parameters are omitted, output will be written at every
increment of the analysis for all procedure types except
MODAL DYNAMIC; output will be written every 10 increments for these
procedure types.
The FREQUENCY, NUMBER INTERVAL, TIME INTERVAL, and TIME POINTS parameters are mutually exclusive.
The following parameters are optional and valid only if the FIELD or HISTORY parameter is included
- OP
Set OP=NEW (default) to indicate that all output database requests
defined in previous steps should be removed. New output database requests can
be defined.
Set OP=ADD to indicate that the output request being defined should be
added to the output requests defined in previous steps.
Set OP=REPLACE to indicate that this output request should replace an output
request of the same type (e.g., FIELD) and frequency defined in a previous step. If there is no
matching request, this output request will be interpreted as OP=ADD.
Set this parameter equal to the time interval at which the output states are
to be written.
If this parameter and the FREQUENCY, NUMBER INTERVAL, and TIME POINTS parameters are omitted, output will be written at every
increment of the analysis for all procedure types except
MODAL DYNAMIC; output will be written every 10 increments for these
procedure types.
The FREQUENCY, NUMBER INTERVAL, TIME INTERVAL, and TIME POINTS parameters are mutually exclusive.
Set VARIABLE=ALL to indicate that all variables applicable to this procedure
and material type should be written to the output database.
Set VARIABLE=PRESELECT to indicate that the default output variables for the current
procedure type should be written to the output database. Additional output
requests can be defined with the output options used in conjunction with the
OUTPUT option, listed previously. Preselected output is ignored
in SIM-based dynamic analysis procedures.
If this parameter is omitted, only the variables requested for output with
the individual output options will be written to the output database.
The output behavior of the variables included in ALL or PRESELECT cannot be controlled by the parameters or data lines of the
individual output options. To get the desired output behavior of a particular
variable in an individual output option, the particular variable must be listed
in that individual output option.
The following parameter is optional and valid only if the HISTORY parameter is included
Include this parameter to associate this history output request with a
sensor definition. The name of the associated sensor is given by the NAME parameter.
Data lines to list
desired eigenmodes if the MODE LIST parameter is included
- First line
Specify a list of desired eigenmodes.
Repeat this data line as
often as necessary. Up to 16 entries are allowed per

Defining output requests in an
One of the following mutually exclusive parameters is required
Set DIAGNOSTICS=YES (default) to indicate that detailed diagnostic information
should be written to the output database. Set DIAGNOSTICS=NO to suppress the output.
Include this parameter to indicate that the output requests used in
conjunction with the
OUTPUT option will be written to the output database as
field-type output.
Include this parameter to indicate that the output requests used in
conjunction with the
OUTPUT option will be written to the output database as
history-type output.
Optional parameters
Set this parameter equal to the name associated with this output definition.
The following parameters are optional and valid only if the FIELD parameter is included
Set this parameter equal to the number of intervals during the step at which
the output database states are to be written.
will always write the results at the beginning of the step. For example, if NUMBER INTERVAL=10,
will write 11 output database states consisting of the values at the beginning
of the step and the values at the end of 10 intervals throughout the step. The
value of this parameter must be a positive integer or zero. A value of zero
suppresses all output. If this parameter is omitted, its value will be set to
The NUMBER INTERVAL and TIME POINTS parameters are mutually exclusive.
Set TIME MARKS=NO (default) to write results to the output database at the
increment ending immediately after the time dictated by the NUMBER INTERVAL or TIME POINTS parameter.
Set TIME MARKS=YES to write results at the exact times dictated by the NUMBER INTERVAL or TIME POINTS parameter.
TIME MARKS=YES cannot be used when either the FIXED TIME INCREMENTATION or DIRECT USER CONTROL parameter is included on the
DYNAMIC option.
Set this parameter equal to the name of the
TIME POINTS option that defines the time points at which output is to
be written. If this parameter and the NUMBER INTERVAL parameter are omitted, field output will be written at 20
equally spaced intervals throughout the step.
The NUMBER INTERVAL and TIME POINTS parameters are mutually exclusive.
The following parameters are optional and valid only if the HISTORY parameter is included
Set this parameter equal to the output frequency, in increments. The output
will always be written to the output database at the last increment of each
step. Set FREQUENCY=0 to suppress the output. If both this parameter and the TIME INTERVAL parameter are omitted, history output will be written at 200
equally spaced intervals throughout the step.
The FREQUENCY and TIME INTERVAL parameters are mutually exclusive.
Include this parameter to associate this history output request with a
sensor definition. The name of the associated sensor is given by the NAME parameter.
The following parameters are optional and valid only if the FIELD or HISTORY parameter is included
Set this parameter equal to the name of the
FILTER option to be used to filter the element and nodal field
output or the element, nodal, contact, fastener interaction, or integrated
history output.
Set FILTER=ANTIALIASING to filter the data based on the time interval that is
specified; in this case the filter does not need to be defined in the model
data. The antialiasing filter cannot be used with the FREQUENCY parameter for history output.
- OP
Set OP=NEW (default) to indicate that all output database requests
defined in previous steps should be removed. New output database requests can
be defined.
Set OP=ADD to indicate that the output request being defined should be
added to the output requests defined in previous steps.
Set OP=REPLACE to indicate that this output request should replace an output
request of the same type (e.g., FIELD) and frequency defined in a previous step. If there is no
matching request, this output request will be interpreted as OP=ADD.
Set this parameter equal to the time interval at which the output states are
to be written.
For field output
will always write the output at the beginning of the step. If both this
parameter and the NUMBER INTERVAL parameter are omitted, field output will be written at 20
equally spaced intervals throughout the step. The NUMBER INTERVAL, TIME INTERVAL, and TIME POINTS parameters are mutually exclusive for field data.
For history output
will always write the data values at the beginning and end of the step. If both
this parameter and the FREQUENCY parameter are omitted, history output will be written at 200
equally spaced intervals throughout the step. The FREQUENCY and TIME INTERVAL parameters are mutually exclusive for history data.
Set VARIABLE=ALL to indicate that all variables applicable to this procedure
and material type should be written to the output database.
Set VARIABLE=PRESELECT to indicate that the default output variables for the current
procedure type should be written to the output database. Additional output
requests can be defined with the output options used in conjunction with the
OUTPUT option, listed previously.
If this parameter is omitted, only the variables requested for output with
the individual output options will be written to the output database.
The output behavior of the variables included in ALL or PRESELECT cannot be controlled by the parameters or data lines of the
individual output options. To get the desired output behavior of a particular
variable in an individual output option, the particular variable must be listed
in that individual output option.
There are no data lines associated with this option in