Link and coupling conditions overview

Shape optimization involves determining the displacement of each design node in order to homogenize the stress on the surface based on the optimization criteria. The displacement of the neighboring nodes is not coupled, i.e., each of the design nodes can move independent from the other design nodes. For example, during optimization free-form surfaces may develop from flat surfaces. By coupling the design nodes the optimization can maintain the regularity of planes. In order to take into account functional and manufacturing restrictions in shape optimization, certain link conditions can be set with the command LINK_SHAPE.

Related Topics
In Other Guides
  • In Tosca ANSA® environment, Link conditions are defined using the Modules Buttons toolbar:

    Select LINK_SHAPE on LINK_CONDITIONS panel, then click New.

  • In Tosca Structure.gui, select Command > LINK_SHAPE.
  • In Tosca ANSA® environment, link definitions are visualized graphically in the model view.

Each link condition has a name (ID_NAME parameter). A criterion for determining the master node (MASTER parameter) is defined as well as a rule for the displacement of the client nodes (CLIENT parameter).

A typical LINK_SHAPE command appears as follows:

        ID_NAME = name_of_link_shape
        MASTER = ...
        CLIENT = ...

Depending on the selected CLIENT parameter, other parameters are also required. In some circumstances a coordinate system (CS parameter) or tolerances (TOL parameter) must be specified. These parameters of a LINK_SHAPE command may appear as follows:

        CS = name_of_coord_system
        TOL = <tol_1>, <tol_2>, <tol_3>

In the following subsections the MASTER and CLIENT parameters are described in detail. The CS and TOL parameters are also described when applicable.

Link conditions basically only define a coupling rule without referencing a specific node group. The coupling condition is assigned to a node group after activation with CHECK_LINK in the DVCON_SHAPE command.

  • In Tosca ANSA® environment, the link definition can be chosen after typing a "?" in the CHECK_LINK field (click DVCON_SHAPE in RESTRICTIONS panel of Modules Buttons toolbar, then click New so that the window with the design variable constraint settings appears).
  • In Tosca Structure.gui the link condition is assigned in the drop down menu of the DVCON_SHAPE command.


  • The definition of coupling conditions can require a great deal of time and effort. In order to be able to estimate the best possible potential of an optimization, one optimization should be performed with as few restrictions as possible and only a few coupling conditions at the beginning of a project.
  • Coupling conditions restrict the range of solutions for the system and reduce the optimization potential.