Each link condition has a name (ID_NAME parameter). A criterion for determining the master node (MASTER parameter) is defined as well as a rule for the displacement of the client nodes (CLIENT parameter). A typical LINK_SHAPE command appears as follows: LINK_SHAPE ID_NAME = name_of_link_shape MASTER = ... CLIENT = ... ... END_ Depending on the selected CLIENT parameter, other parameters are also required. In some circumstances a coordinate system (CS parameter) or tolerances (TOL parameter) must be specified. These parameters of a LINK_SHAPE command may appear as follows: LINK_SHAPE ... CS = name_of_coord_system TOL = <tol_1>, <tol_2>, <tol_3> END_ In the following subsections the MASTER and CLIENT parameters are described in detail. The CS and TOL parameters are also described when applicable.
Link conditions basically only define a coupling rule without referencing a specific node group. The coupling condition is assigned to a node group after activation with CHECK_LINK in the DVCON_SHAPE command.
Determining the master node (MASTER)The MASTER parameter is used in each definition of a link condition to specify how to determine the master node. This node prescribes the displacement of the nodes affected by the link condition. It can be set explicitly by the user: MASTER = NODE, node_nr This causes the master displacement to be determined from the same node during the entire optimization. Furthermore the master node may be determined from a master node group. This allows the user to define a components edge to be the master edge for optimization. The algorithm will determine the master node automatically from the master node group. In this case the master node group must contain exactly one node of each link group. MASTER = NDGR, <nodegroup> Another way is to have the system automatically determine the master node according to two different criteria: MASTER = MAX or MASTER = MIN In this case, the master node is re-determined in every cycle. When the master node is automatically determined, the critical factor is identifying which node displacement (determined by the stress) for the coupling group is relevant. Principally, there exist four different cases of how the largest and smallest node displacements relate to the reference value within the node group:
The two criteria MAX and MIN, respectively, select different master nodes corresponding to the selected displacement values:
Displacement of the client nodes (CLIENT)The CLIENT parameter is used in each definition of a link condition to set a rule for determining the displacement of the client nodes based on the displacement of the master node. The client nodes are moved relative to the master node. The following rules can be selected:
The individual rules for determining the client displacements are described in detail in the linked chapters. Not all link conditions are applicable for both, the controller and the sensitivity based shape optimization approach. The table below shows which types are usable with which approach.
Example: Link condition with fixed master nodeAll nodes of the previously defined node group node_rigid should have the same displacement with respect to the global Cartesian coordinate system as the design node with the number 46. Node 46 need not be a part of the node group node_rigid. The link condition should have the name link_rigid. The link condition is then used in the restriction with the name dvcon_rigid. LINK_SHAPE ID_NAME = link_rigid MASTER = NODE, 46 CLIENT = VECTOR CS = CS_0 END_ DVCON_SHAPE ID_NAME = dvcon_rigid ND_GROUP = node_rigid CHECK_LINK = link_rigid END_ Example: Coupling condition with automatic determination of the master nodeAll nodes of the node group ndgr_left should have the same displacement as the node from ndgr_left that has the greatest outward displacement. In the same way, all nodes of the node group ndgr_right should have the same displacement as the node from ndgr_right that has the greatest outward displacement. This requires a link condition and two restrictions. LINK_SHAPE ID_NAME = link_left_or_right MASTER = MAX CLIENT = VECTOR CS = CS_0 END_ DVCON_SHAPE ID_NAME = dvcon_left ND_GROUP = ndgr_left CHECK_LINK = link_left_or_right END_ DVCON_SHAPE ID_NAME = dvcon_right ND_GROUP = ndgr_right CHECK_LINK = link_left_or_right END_ In each design cycle the system identifies which nodes in each of the node groups, ndgr_left and ndgr_right, has the greatest positive displacement (in the growth direction). Usually, these are the nodes with the largest stress difference between the effective value and the targeted value. These displacements are then applied to all nodes of the node groups ndgr_left and ndgr_right, respectively. The following command can be used instead of the two individual DVCON_SHAPE commands: DVCON_AUTO_SHAPE ID_NAME = dvcon_* ND_GROUP_FAMILY = ndgr_* CHECK_LINK = link_left_or_right END_ The naming left and right is determined automatically from the complete name of the node groups and added to the root name of the automatically generated DVCON_SHAPE entries. However, this requires that only these two node groups begin with the name ndgr_ otherwise other node groups will be taken into consideration. |