Cyclic-plane symmetry combination (SURF_CYCLIC_PLANE_SYM)

This link condition is a combination of cyclic rotational and planar symmetry. First, the cyclic symmetry is enforced and afterwards the surface is modified to ensure plane symmetry in each segment.

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CLIENT / Applicable for Controller (SHAPE_CONTROLLER) Sensitivity (SHAPE_SENSITIVITY)

This link condition is a combination of cyclic rotational and planar symmetry. First, the cyclic symmetry is enforced and afterwards the surface is modified to ensure plane symmetry in each segment. The plane for each segment cuts the segment into two halves. The following parameters are necessary for the definition of the link condition:

        CLIENT_DIR = <X_1>, <X_2>, <X_3>
        CS = name_of_coord_system
        OL = tolerance_value
        NGLE = angle in degree
        YCLIC_SYM_START = <X_1>, <X_2>, <X_3>

In comparison to the SURF_CYCLIC_SYM case, the CYCLIC_SYM_START point is really important here. As it defines the starting point of the partitioning process, this point directly influences the areas that shall be made plane symmetric. Its coordinates are given with reference to the global cartesian coordinate system.

The figure above shows the differences between the different SURF_*_SYM restrictions. From left to right this is a) plane symmetry (SURF_PLANE_SYM), b) cyclic symmetry (SURF_CYCLIC_SYM) and c) the combination of plane and cyclic symmetry (SURF_CYCLIC_PLANE_SYM).