Distributed loads

Distributed loads:

  • can be prescribed on element faces, element bodies, or element edges;

  • can be prescribed over geometric surfaces or geometric edges;

  • require that an appropriate distributed load type be specified—see About the element library for definitions of the distributed load types available for particular elements; and

  • may be of follower type, which can rotate during a geometrically nonlinear analysis and result in an additional (often unsymmetric) contribution to the stiffness matrix that is generally referred to as the load stiffness.

The procedures in which these loads can be used are outlined in About Prescribed Conditions. See About loads for general information that applies to all types of loading.

Follower loads are discussed further in Follower surface loads and Follower edge and line loads. The contribution of follower loads to load stiffness is discussed in Improving the rate of convergence in large-displacement implicit analysis.

In steady-state dynamic analysis both real and imaginary distributed loads can be applied (see Direct-solution steady-state dynamic analysis and Mode-based steady-state dynamic analysis for details).

Incident wave loading is used to apply distributed loads for the special case of loads associated with a wave traveling through an acoustic medium. Inertia relief is used to apply inertia-based loading in Abaqus/Standard. These load types are discussed in Acoustic and shock loads and Inertia relief, respectively. Abaqus/Aqua load types are discussed in Abaqus/Aqua analysis.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
About loads
In Other Guides
Defining a pressure load
Defining a shell edge load
Defining a surface traction load
Defining a pipe pressure load
Defining a body force
Defining a line load
Defining a gravity load
Defining a rotational body force
