TypeHistory data
Abaqus/CAESupported in the Step module only for substructure generation.
Optional parameters
Set DEFINITION=MODE NUMBERS (default) to indicate that the selected modes are given as a collection of mode numbers.
Set DEFINITION= FREQUENCY RANGE to indicate that the modes are selected from the specified frequency ranges including frequency boundaries. Frequency ranges can be discontinuous.
If both the MODAL DAMPING and SELECT EIGENMODES options are used in the same step, the DEFINITION parameter must be set equal to the same value in both options.
If this parameter is included, each data line should give a first mode, ; a last mode, ; and the increment in mode numbers between these modes, i. Then all modes going from to in steps of i will be added to the set. i must be an integer such that is a whole number (not a fraction).
This parameter can be used only with DEFINITION=MODE NUMBERS.
Data lines if DEFINITION=MODE NUMBERS and the GENERATE parameter is omitted
- First line
List of modes to be used.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary. Up to 16 entries are allowed per line.
Data lines if DEFINITION=MODE NUMBERS and the GENERATE parameter is included
- First line
First mode number.
Last mode number.
Increment in mode numbers between modes. The default is 1.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary.
- First line
Lower boundary of the frequency range (in cycles/time).
Upper boundary of the frequency range (in cycles/time).
Repeat this data line as often as necessary.