Controlling initial contact status in Abaqus/Standard

Contact initialization controls for general contact in Abaqus/Standard:

  • can be used to specify whether initial overclosures should be resolved without generating stresses and strains or treated as interference fits that are gradually resolved over multiple increments; and

  • can be used to specify nondefault search zones that determine which nodes are affected in the case of strain-free adjustments or interference fits.

Abaqus/Standard initializes the contact state based on the gap or penetration state observed in the initial geometry. Small initial contact overclosures are resolved by default using strain-free adjustments to the positions of surface nodes. You can define alternative contact initialization methods and then assign them to contact interactions. For example, you can choose to have initial overclosures for certain interactions treated as interference fits.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
About general contact in Abaqus/Standard
In Other Guides
Creating contact initializations
Specifying and modifying contact initialization assignments for general contact
