ProductsAbaqus/ExplicitAbaqus/CAE Defining a general contact interactionThe definition of a general contact interaction consists of specifying:
Surfaces used for general contactThe general contact algorithm allows for very general characteristics in the surfaces that it uses, as discussed in About contact interactions. For detailed information on defining surfaces in Abaqus/Explicit for use with the general contact algorithm, see Element-based surface definition, Node-based surface definition, Analytical rigid surface definition, Eulerian surface definition, and Operating on surfaces. Two-dimensional surfaces cannot be used with the general contact algorithm. A convenient method of specifying the contact domain is using cropped surfaces. Such surfaces can be used to perform “contact in a box” by using a contact domain that is enclosed in a specified rectangular box in the original configuration. For more information, see Operating on surfaces. In addition, Abaqus/Explicit automatically defines an all-inclusive surface that is convenient for prescribing the contact domain, as discussed later in this section. The all-inclusive automatically defined surface includes all element-based surface facets as well as all analytical rigid surfaces and surfaces on all Eulerian materials. The general contact algorithm generates contact forces to resist node-into-face, node-into-analytical rigid surface, and edge-into-edge contact penetrations. The primary mechanism for enforcing contact is node-to-face contact (the only mechanism used in the contact pair algorithm). If analytical rigid surfaces are present in the contact domain, the general contact algorithm also enforces node-to-analytical rigid surface contact. Considerations for edge-to-edge contactThe general contact algorithm also considers edge-to-edge contact, which is very effective in enforcing contact that cannot be detected as penetrations of nodes into faces. For example, contact between beam segments and shell perimeter edges (see Figure 1) usually is detected only as edge-to-edge contact. Figure 1. General contact domain, including edge-to-edge contact.
![]() The terminology “contact edges” refers to feature edges of surface facets (on both shells and solids) as well as to segments representing beam and truss elements. The contact edges representing beam and truss elements have a circular cross-section, regardless of the actual cross-section of the beam or truss element. The radius of a contact edge representing a truss element is derived from the cross-sectional area specified on the truss section definition (it is equal to the radius of a solid circular section with an equivalent cross-sectional area). For beams with circular cross-sections, the radius of the contact edge is equivalent to the section radius. For beams with non-circular cross-sections, the radius of the contact edge is equal to the radius of a circumscribed circle around the section. If connected edges have different radii, a nodal radius is first computed as the minimum radius of the adjacent contact edges, and the radius of the edge cross-section is interpolated linearly over the length of the contact edge from the nodal values. Shell element edges reflect the shell thickness in the normal direction and do not extend past the perimeter (similar to shell nodes and facets). Some numerical rounding of features occurs for both node-to-facet and edge-to-edge contact. To model contact between edges that are not cylindrical in shape, surface elements can be attached to the edge nodes using surface-based tie constraints and node-to-face contact can be defined between the surface elements (see Surface elements). This technique is useful for modeling geometric details important to the contact definition that are not modeled with the underlying element geometry. Surface elements can also be defined around shell elements in which Abaqus has reduced the contact thickness (i.e., if the thickness exceeds the surface facet edge lengths or diagonal lengths) so that the true surface thickness can be modeled. However, using surface elements with general contact requires a physically reasonable mass to be associated with the surface element nodes, and care must be taken not to alter the bulk mass properties when transferring mass to the surface elements from the underlying elements. By default, when a surface is used in a general contact interaction, all applicable facets, analytical rigid surfaces, nodes, perimeter edges, and beam and truss segments are included in the contact definition. You can control which feature edges are considered for edge-to-edge contact, as discussed in Assigning surface properties for general contact in Abaqus/Explicit. Geometric feature edges and perimeter edges do not have to be included explicitly in a surface definition (by using edge identifiers) for them to be considered for edge-to-edge contact. Eulerian-Lagrangian contactThe general contact algorithm also enforces contact between Eulerian materials and Lagrangian surfaces. This algorithm automatically compensates for mesh size discrepancies to prevent penetration of Eulerian material through the Lagrangian surface. The all-inclusive surface that is defined by Abaqus/Explicit can be used to enforce contact between all Eulerian materials and all Lagrangian bodies in a model; you can also specify individual Eulerian surfaces in the contact domain (see Eulerian surface definition). Eulerian-Lagrangian contact is enforced only for Lagrangian surfaces defined on solid and shell elements. Other surface types, such as beam edges and analytical rigid surfaces, are ignored. Contact interactions between Eulerian materials and interactions due to Eulerian material self-contact are handled naturally by the Eulerian formulation; these interactions do not require a general contact definition. See Interactions for more information. Contact involving DEM or SPH particlesThe general contact algorithm enforces the following types of contact involving DEM or SPH particles:
See Discrete element method and Smoothed particle hydrodynamics for more information regarding contact involving DEM and SPH particles, respectively. Including general contact in an analysisIf a general contact definition does not appear in a step, any general contact definition active in the previous step will be propagated to the current step. For convenience, general contact can be defined as model data. A general contact definition specified as model data is considered to be defined in the initial step, or “Step 0,” of the analysis; it can be modified or removed in Step 1 or later steps. Input File Usage Use the following option to indicate the beginning of a general contact definition: CONTACT This option can appear only once per step. Abaqus/CAE Usage Interaction module: Create Interaction: General contact (Explicit) Removing general contact definitionsYou can remove the previously specified general contact definition and specify a new one. Input File Usage CONTACT, OP=NEW Abaqus/CAE Usage Interaction module: interaction manager: select interaction, Modifying general contact definitionsAlternatively, you can make changes to an existing general contact definition. In this case the existing general contact definition remains active and any additional information specified is appended to the general contact definition. Contact state information (such as the proper contact normal orientation for double-sided surfaces) is transferred across step boundaries even if the contact domain is modified. Input File Usage CONTACT, OP=MOD Abaqus/CAE Usage Interaction module: interaction manager:
select interaction, ExampleEach part of a general contact definition is considered independently when it is modified. For example, the following contact definition is specified in Step 1 (the individual options are discussed later in this section): CONTACT CONTACT INCLUSIONS surf_1, CONTACT EXCLUSIONS surf_a, surf_b This contact definition is then modified in Step 2 with the following input: CONTACT, OP=MOD CONTACT INCLUSIONS surf_2, surf_3 CONTACT EXCLUSIONS surf_a, surf_c An equivalent contact definition for Step 2 could be specified as follows: CONTACT, OP=NEW CONTACT INCLUSIONS surf_1, surf_2, surf_3 CONTACT EXCLUSIONS surf_a, surf_b surf_a, surf_c Defining the general contact domainYou specify the regions of the model that can potentially come into contact with each other by defining general contact inclusions and exclusions. Only one contact inclusions definition and one contact exclusions definition are allowed per step. All contact inclusions in an analysis are applied first, then all contact exclusions are applied, regardless of the order in which they are specified. The contact exclusions take precedence over the contact inclusions. The general contact algorithm will consider only those interactions specified by the contact inclusions definition and not specified by the contact exclusions definition. General contact interactions typically are defined by specifying self-contact for the default automatically generated surface provided by Abaqus/Explicit. All surfaces used in the general contact algorithm can span multiple unattached bodies, so self-contact in this algorithm is not limited to contact of a single body with itself. For example, self-contact of a surface that spans two bodies implies contact between the bodies as well as contact of each body with itself. Specifying contact inclusionsDefine contact inclusions to specify the regions of the model that should be considered for contact purposes. Specifying “automatic” contact for the entire modelYou can specify self-contact for a default unnamed, all-inclusive surface defined automatically by Abaqus/Explicit. This default surface contains, with the exceptions noted below, all exterior element faces, all analytical rigid surfaces and all edges based on beam and truss elements in the model, as well as the nodes attached to these faces and edges; in addition, feature edges are included according to the user-specified criteria (see Assigning surface properties for general contact in Abaqus/Explicit). This is the simplest way to define the contact domain. With this approach contact is modeled for all node-to-facet, node-to-analytical rigid surface, and edge-to-edge interactions of the nodes, facets, analytical rigid surfaces, and contact edges of the default surface. This default surface does not include the following:
Input File Usage Use both of the following options to specify “automatic” contact for the entire model: CONTACT CONTACT INCLUSIONS, ALL EXTERIOR The CONTACT INCLUSIONS option should have no data lines when the ALL EXTERIOR parameter is used. Abaqus/CAE Usage Interaction module: Create Interaction: General contact (Explicit): Included surface pairs: All* with self Specifying individual contact interactionsAlternatively, you can define the general contact domain directly by specifying the individual contact surface pairings. Self-contact will be modeled only if the two surfaces specified in a pair overlap (or are identical) and will be modeled only in the overlapping region. Multiple surface pairings can be included in the contact domain. At least one surface in each pair must be either an element-based surface or an analytical rigid surface. Input File Usage Use both of the following options to specify individual contact interactions: CONTACT CONTACT INCLUSIONS surface_1, surface_2 At least one data line must be specified when the ALL EXTERIOR parameter is omitted. Either or both of the data line entries can be left blank, but each data line must contain at least a comma; an error message will be issued for empty data lines. If the first surface name is omitted, the default unnamed, all-inclusive, automatically generated surface is assumed. If the second surface name is omitted or is the same as the first surface name, contact between the first surface and itself is assumed. Leaving both data line entries blank is equivalent to using the ALL EXTERIOR parameter. Abaqus/CAE Usage Interaction module: Create Interaction: General contact (Explicit): Included surface pairs: Selected surface pairs: Edit, select the surfaces in the columns on the left, and click the arrows in the middle to transfer them to the list of included pairs ExamplesThe following input specifies that contact should be enforced between the default all-inclusive, automatically generated surface and surface_2, including self-contact in any overlap regions: CONTACT CONTACT INCLUSIONS , surface_2 Either of the following methods can be used to define self-contact for surface_1: CONTACT CONTACT INCLUSIONS surface_1, or CONTACT CONTACT INCLUSIONS surface_1, surface_1 The following input can be used to introduce a node-based surface containing point masses to the contact domain as well as specify self-contact for the default all-inclusive, automatically generated surface: CONTACT CONTACT INCLUSIONS , , node_based_surf Specifying contact exclusionsYou can refine the contact domain definition by specifying the regions of the model to exclude from contact. The primary motivation for specifying contact exclusions is to avoid physically unreasonable contact interactions. For example, a finite element model may contain multiple forming tools, but not all of the tools participate in the forming process simultaneously; you can specify contact exclusions to prevent certain tools from participating in the contact model in certain steps. You do not need to be concerned with specifying contact exclusions for parts of the model that are not likely to interact, since these exclusions typically will have minimal effect on computational performance. Contact will be ignored for all the surface pairings specified, even if these interactions are specified directly or indirectly in the contact inclusions definition. Multiple surface pairings can be excluded from the contact domain. At least one surface in each pair must be either an element-based surface or an analytical rigid surface. Keep in mind that surfaces can be defined to span multiple unattached bodies, so self-contact exclusions are not limited to exclusions of single-body contact. You cannot exclude only one side of shell-like surfaces. If a side label (SPOS or SNEG) is used in defining an element-based shell-like surface and that surface is excluded from contact, Abaqus/Explicit will exclude all faces associated with these elements. Input File Usage Use both of the following options to specify contact exclusions: CONTACT CONTACT EXCLUSIONS surface_1, surface_2 Either or both of the data line entries can be left blank. If the first surface name is omitted, the default unnamed, all-inclusive, automatically generated surface is assumed. If the second surface name is omitted or is the same as the first surface name, contact between the first surface and itself is excluded from the contact domain. Abaqus/CAE Usage Interaction module: Create Interaction: General contact (Explicit): Excluded surface pairs: Edit, select the surfaces in the columns on the left, and click the arrows in the middle to transfer them to the list of excluded pairs Automatically generated contact exclusionsAbaqus/Explicit automatically generates contact exclusions for general contact in some situations.
ExamplesThe following input specifies that the contact domain is based on self-contact of an all-inclusive, automatically generated surface but that contact (including self-contact in any overlap regions) should be ignored between the all-inclusive, automatically generated surface and surface_2: CONTACT CONTACT INCLUSIONS, ALL EXTERIOR CONTACT EXCLUSIONS , surface_2 Either of the following methods can be used to exclude self-contact for surface_1 from the contact domain: CONTACT EXCLUSIONS surface_1, or CONTACT EXCLUSIONS surface_1, surface_1 Modeling surface erosionGeneral contact allows the use of element-based surfaces to model surface erosion for analyses. If an appropriate “interior” surface is defined, the surface topology will evolve to match the exterior of elements that have not failed. Alternatively, if only one of the bodies can erode, a node-based surface can be used to model surface erosion; this approach can be used with either the general contact or contact pair algorithms. However, even if only one body can erode, it is recommended to define an element-based surface for the eroding body to avoid the usual limitations of node-based surfaces (see Node-based surface definition). The general contact algorithm modifies the list of contact faces and contact edges that are active in the contact domain based on the failure status of the underlying elements (element failure is discussed in Dynamic failure models). General contact considers a face only if its underlying element has not failed and it is not coincident with a face from an adjacent element that has not failed; thus, exterior faces are initially active, and interior faces are initially inactive. Once an element fails, its faces are removed from the contact domain, and any interior faces that have been exposed are activated. A contact edge is removed when all the elements that contain the edge have failed. New contact edges are not created as elements erode. Based on this algorithm, the active contact domain evolves during the analysis as elements fail (see Figure 2 for an example of an eroding solid). Figure 2. Topology of an eroding contact surface.
![]() You can control whether contact nodes remain in the contact domain after all the surrounding elements have failed. By default, these nodes remain in the contact domain and act as free-floating point masses that can experience contact with faces that are still part of the contact domain. You can specify that nodes of element-based surfaces should erode (i.e., be removed from the contact domain) once all contact faces and contact edges to which they are attached have eroded. Further discussion of this technique, including reasons for and against nodal erosion, can be found in Contact controls for general contact in Abaqus/Explicit. Erosion of surfaces specified on solid elementsFor a solid element mesh consisting of elements that may fail, every face that can potentially be involved in contact (both exterior and interior faces) should be included in the contact domain. The general contact algorithm will activate and deactivate faces as necessary when elements fail. For example, you define an element set ELERODE that contains all the solid elements in the model that refer to a material failure model. First, you must create a surface SURFERODE containing all of the interior and exterior faces of these elements. You could define this surface using the automatic free surface and interior surface generation methods in Abaqus/Explicit. Assuming all the elements in ELERODE are of type C3D8R, you could alternatively define the surface by specifying the faces S1 through S6 directly. See Creating surfaces on solid, continuum shell, and cohesive elements for a discussion of these three methods. Next, you must construct the contact domain. Defining “automatic” general contact for the entire model is not sufficient because the contact domain created when this method is used does not include any interior faces. Therefore, you must define the pairwise interactions with the erodable surface explicitly in the contact inclusions definition, as outlined in Table 1 and Table 2.
Alternatively, you could create a more concise definition of the same contact domain by first defining a surface named SURFALL that includes all exterior faces in the entire model and all interior faces of element set ELERODE. In this case, since all faces (exterior and interior) in the contact domain are defined in one surface, there is no need to define contact explicitly between the exterior and interior faces. It would be adequate to specify only self-contact for SURFALL. Abaqus/Explicit automatically computes a nonzero contact thickness associated with interior faces based on element dimensions, and this default value cannot be changed via a surface property assignment. Erosion of surfaces specified on structural elementsFor structural elements, the general contact algorithm checks the underlying elements of the faces (or “contact edges” on beam and truss elements) for failure. Once the underlying element fails, the face is removed. As with solids, feature edges on structural elements are removed once all of the surrounding faces have failed. A perimeter edge (e.g., on the perimeter of a shell element mesh) is removed once the face it is connected to fails. New perimeter edges are not created to conform to the new perimeter created by the removal of a face. Memory useThe amount of contact data used to describe the surface topology is proportional to the number of faces included in the contact domain. Including a large number of interior faces in the contact domain can potentially increase memory use significantly compared to analyses in which the contact domain is defined using only exterior faces. Consider creating a surface on a cubic mesh of C3D8R elements with n elements per side. A surface including the exterior faces of the mesh (suitable for modeling contact without element failure) would contain 6n2 element faces. A surface including both exterior and interior faces of the mesh (suitable for modeling contact with element failure for every element in the mesh) would contain 6n3 element faces. For large meshes the memory use can increase easily by an order of magnitude when interior element faces are included in the contact domain to model erosion. Therefore, it is recommended to include only those interior element faces in the contact domain that could possibly participate in contact. OutputThe surfaces that compose the general contact domain are available as output in addition to the contact analysis output variables. General contact domain and component surfacesAbaqus/Explicit generates the following internal surfaces when a general contact domain is defined:
where k is the step number. General_Contact_Nodes_Stepk contains only nodes in the general contact domain that are not included in the other two surfaces. For example, General_Contact_Faces_Step2 would contain all surface faces (interior and exterior) that were initially included in the general contact domain for Step 2. These surfaces contain the contact faces, edges, and nodes that were included in the contact domain at the beginning of the step and are not modified to reflect surface erosion. Abaqus/Explicit also generates the following internal surfaces associated with “component surfaces”:
where m is the automatically assigned “component number.” Each feature edge component surface, General_Contact_Edges_Stepk_Compm, has a subset of face edges (satisfying the feature edge criteria) of the corresponding face component surface, General_Contact_Faces_k_Compk. The face component surfaces have no nodes in common with each other. Internal surfaces can be viewed using display groups in the Visualization module of Abaqus/CAE (see the Introduction). The internal surface names used by Abaqus/Explicit should not appear in the input file. General contact output variablesYou can write the contact surface variables associated with general contact interactions to the Abaqus output database (.odb) file (see Surface output in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit for more information). The available variables are contact pressure, normal contact force, frictional force, and whole surface resultant quantities (i.e., force, moment, center of pressure, and total area in contact). Field outputThe generic variables CSTRESS and CFORCE are valid field output requests for general contact in Abaqus/Explicit. If CSTRESS is requested for the general contact domain, the variable CPRESS (contact pressure) is available in the output database and can be contoured in Abaqus/CAE. If CFORCE is requested for the general contact domain, the variables CNORMF (normal contact force) and CSHEARF (shear contact force) are available in the output database and can be plotted as vectors in a symbol plot in Abaqus/CAE. For general contact CPRESS is calculated as the magnitude of the net contact normal force (the CNORMF vector) per unit area (it is an unsigned value). This convention for reporting contact pressure is different from the convention used for contact pairs. The direction of action of the net contact pressure for general contact can be determined by examining a plot of CNORMF. CNORMF and CSHEARF are resultant force quantities. If a double-sided surface is contacted on both sides, the resultant force is a vector sum of the force from each side of the surface (for example, the contact normal force will be zero for a double-sided surface that is pinched with equal and opposite forces on each side of the surface). Displacement field output (U) for the entire model is written to the output database automatically when any of the contact field output variables are requested. Several output variables associated with quantities computed at slave nodes or edge nodes are also available, with generic output variable names CDISP, CSLIPR, and CTANDIR. These output variables are not available for Eulerian-Lagrangian contact or contact involving particles. If these generic output variables names are requested, the specific output variables written as field output are as follows:
COPEN is reported only for slave or edge nodes in contact or very close to being in contact. The accumulated slip variables remain constant when a node is out of contact. The slip rate and tangent direction output variables are reported only for slave or edge nodes in contact. CSLIPEQ represents the total slip length at a slave or edge node while in contact. Incremental contributions to CSLIP1 and CSLIP2 are computed as the scalar product of the incremental relative nodal displacement vector and the respective local tangent direction, (CTANDIR1) or (CTANDIR2). The algorithm used to establish and evolve local tangent directions for general contact is described in Local tangent directions for contact. As local tangent directions for contact evolve across increments, previously accumulated slip components are resolved into the new local system before incremental contributions are added to them. History outputSeveral whole surface contact force-derived variables are available as history output. You can specify the surface from which the contact force resultants will be calculated. Force distributions on the surface due to general contact are used to calculate the surface force resultants; forces due to contact pair interactions are not included and must be output separately. The contact state of a surface is output as a set of force (CFN, CFS, and CFT) and moment (CMN, CMS, and CMT) resultants with respect to the origin. Additional variables give the center of force (XN, XS, and XT) on the surface (defined as the point closest to the centroid of the surface that lies on the line of action of the resultant force for which the resultant moment is minimal). The last letter of each variable name denotes which contact force distribution on the surface is used to calculate the resultant: the letter N denotes that the normal contact forces are used to derive the resultant quantity; the letter S denotes that the shear contact forces are used to derive the resultant quantity; and the letter T denotes that the sum of the normal and shear contact forces are used to derive the resultant quantity. Each total moment output variable will not necessarily equal the cross product of the respective center of force vector and resultant force vector. Forces acting on two different nodes of a surface may have components acting in opposite directions, such that these nodal force components generate a net moment but not a net force; therefore, the total moment may not arise entirely from the resultant force. The center of force output variables tend to be most meaningful when the surface nodal forces act in approximately the same direction. The total area in contact at a given time can be requested using output variable CAREA, defined as the sum of all the facets where there is contact force. The contact area reported by CAREA is generally slightly larger than the true contact area for reasonably meshed contact surfaces; therefore, interpretation of CAREA should be done with care. The discrepancy between the CAREA output and the true contact area decreases as the mesh density increases. Using contact inclusions or exclusions to limit CAREA output to smaller contact surfaces may also reduce the discrepancy in some cases. Since the CAREA output is an approximation of the true contact area, deriving force or stress values using this output may not yield accurate values; requesting contact force and stress directly is the most appropriate way to obtain accurate results. Requesting element output when modeling surface erosionWhen modeling the erosion of surfaces, it is useful to request additional element field output of the element status (output variable STATUS). Failed elements (with an element status of zero) can then be excluded from the display group in the Visualization module of Abaqus/CAE so that the active contact surface can be identified and contact results on the active contact surface can be viewed. Extending the range for which contact opening output is provided for gapsTo reduce computational costs, detailed computations to monitor potential points of interaction are avoided by default where surfaces are separated by a distance greater than the minimum gap distance at which contact forces (or thermal fluxes, etc.) may be transmitted. Therefore, contact opening (COPEN) output is typically not provided where surfaces are opened by more than a small amount compared to surface facet dimensions. You can extend the range for which Abaqus/Explicit provides contact opening output; COPEN will be provided up to gap distances equal to a specified “tracking thickness.” Using this control may increase computational cost due to extra contact tracking computations, especially if you specify a large tracking thickness value. Input File Usage SURFACE INTERACTION, TRACKING THICKNESS=value Abaqus/CAE Usage You cannot adjust the default tracking thickness in Abaqus/CAE. |