ProductsAbaqus/Standard Performing a surface-based submodeling analysisYour submodel analysis is driven, either partly or completely, from the results obtained from a global model analysis. The results from the global model are interpolated onto the surfaces on the appropriate parts of the boundary of the submodel. Thus, the response at the boundary of the local region is defined by the solution for the global model. The driven surfaces and any loads applied to the local region determine the solution in the submodel. Surface-based submodeling should be used only when the node-based technique cannot provide adequate results. For a comparison of the two submodeling techniques and recommendations for their application, refer to About submodeling. Saving the results from the global modelThe results from the global analysis must be saved at all elements required for the interpolation of the driven variables to the boundary surface of the submodel. Only the output database (in ODB or SIM format) can be used for this purpose. In each step of the global model whose solution will be used to drive the submodel, write the stress results to the output database (see Output to the Output Database). Abaqus/CAE Usage Step module: OutputField Output RequestsCreate Referring to the global model results from the submodel analysisYou must define the source of the global solution results and provide the name of the output database file (in ODB or SIM format); the file extension is optional. If the file extension is omitted, Abaqus will use in order, the ODB output database file or the SIM database file. Input File Usage abaqus job=submodel_input_file globalmodel= global_output_database or sim_database_file Abaqus/CAE Usage Any module: ModelEdit Attributessubmodel: Submodel: Read data from job: global_output_database Reading data from a SIM database file is not supported in Abaqus/CAE. Specifying the driven surfaces in the submodelSpecifying the driven element-based surfaces does not activate the driven surface loads: they must be activated by specifying the appropriate submodel distributed surface loads. All surface facets of the submodel to be driven by stresses in any step must be specified as driven surfaces since the list of surfaces cannot be extended subsequent to its initial definition (even at restart). However, variables at the surfaces given do not have to be driven in all steps: the choice of which surfaces are driven in a particular step is made as part of a submodel distributed surface load definition, as discussed in Defining the driven surface tractions in the submodel later in this section. Figure 1. The magnified submodel.
![]() Input File Usage SUBMODEL list of element-based structural surfaces The SUBMODEL option must be included in the model definition portion of the input file for the submodel analysis. Multiple SUBMODEL options are allowed; however, in this case you must ensure that the driven surfaces specified on the data line of one option are separate and distinct from the other surfaces specified on the data lines of all the other options. Abaqus/CAE Usage Load module: Create Load: choose Other for the Category and Submodel for the Types for Selected Step: Driving region: select region Defining geometric tolerancesA geometric tolerance is used to define how far driven element-based surface nodes in the submodel can lie outside the exterior surface of the global model, as that surface is interpolated in the global, undeformed finite element model. By default, surface nodes in the submodel must lie within a distance calculated by multiplying the average element size in the global model by 0.05. You can change the tolerance, which is useful in cases where submodel driven surfaces lie to a greater extent outside the global model exterior surface. Tolerances larger than this default value, however, can result in significantly greater computation times and lower accuracy in the driven solution for driven surface regions significantly outside the global model exterior surface. You can define the geometric tolerance as a fraction of the size of the average element in the global model or as an absolute distance in the length units chosen for the model. If both tolerances are defined, Abaqus uses the tighter tolerance. Input File Usage Use the following option to define the geometric tolerance as an absolute distance: SUBMODEL, TYPE=SURFACE, ABSOLUTE EXTERIOR TOLERANCE=tolerance Use the following option to define the geometric tolerance as a fraction of the size of the average element in the global model: SUBMODEL, TYPE=SURFACE, EXTERIOR TOLERANCE=tolerance Abaqus/CAE Usage Load module: Create Load choose Other for the Category and Submodel for the Types for Selected Step: select region: Exterior tolerance: absolute: or relative: tolerance The exterior tolerance in solid-to-solid submodelingThe exterior tolerance for a solid-to-solid submodel analysis is indicated by the shaded region in Figure 2. If the distance between the driven surface nodes and the free surface of the global model falls within the specified tolerance, the solution variables from the global model are extrapolated to the submodel. Figure 2. The exterior tolerance in surface-based submodeling.
![]() Defining the driven surface tractions in the submodelThe actual driven surface tractions are defined in any step as submodel distributed surface loads. The stresses resulting in these tractions are “driven variables” obtained from the output database file of the global analysis. All stress components from the global model elements that will drive the submodel boundary surface must have been written to the output database. They will be used to create traction, shear, and normal stresses at integration points of driven surfaces (as non-uniform distributed surface loads). All applicable stress components are calculated and applied to the surface integration points at each time increment. Input File Usage DSLOAD, SUBMODEL Abaqus/CAE Usage Load module: Create load: choose Other for the Category and Submodel for the Types for Selected Step Specifying the step number from the global analysisYou specify the step of the global model history that is to be used for the driven variables in the current submodel analysis step. Input File Usage DSLOAD, SUBMODEL, STEP=step Abaqus/CAE Usage Load module: Create load: choose Other for the Category and Submodel for the Types for Selected Step: select region: Global step number: step Modifying the set of driven surface tractionsYou can modify the submodel distributed surface load definitions from step to step to change the global step reference, you can remove surface load definitions, and you can reintroduce them later (see About loads). New surfaces cannot be added to the total set of driven surface defined for the submodel; this set of driven surfaces is a fixed part of the model definition. Guidelines for obtaining adequate solution accuracyUnlike node-based submodeling, surface-based submodeling can in many cases provide incorrect or misleading submodel results. This risk follows from the methods used to interpolate stresses from the global model to the submodel:
This process is generally nonconservative, resulting in a submodel traction field that is not equivalent to the global model stress field in an equilibrium sense. Modeling guidelinesYou can improve accuracy and achieve reasonable submodel solutions by observing the following guidelines:
Checking your resultsTo understand whether your modeling approach results in a reasonably accurate solution, the following guidelines are recommended:
Special considerationsThere are several special considerations that are worth noting. Handling of rigid-body modesWhen you use surface-based submodeling exclusively to drive your submodel response, your displacement solution will not be unique; you will generally encounter rigid-body modes and accompanying numerical issues. You can address these rigid-body modes by
You can combine these definitions, as necessary and appropriate to your model, to address all rigid body modes. Cases of finite rotationGlobal model stress results are stored in the output database in the global coordinate system. Submodel tractions are calculated from these stresses and the current configuration surface normal in the submodel. Hence, when your global model result involves significant finite rotation, your submodel results will generally be inaccurate unless you provide sufficient node-based submodel displacement boundary condition definitions to impart similar rigid-body rotations to the submodel; exclusive use of surface-based submodeling definitions is not adequate to provide these rigid-body motions. You may also experience convergence difficulties in the submodel when it is not properly rotated. Inelastic behaviorWhen surface-based submodeling is used to drive a submodel region with an inelastic material definition, you may encounter rigid-body modes and accompanying numerical issues. For example, numerical issues will prevent convergence if the submodel material definition includes plasticity and the submodel loading results in a shear band formation beyond the material hardening definition, such that unconstrained motion can occur (i.e., if the submodel loads exceed the limit load capacity). In these cases node-based submodeling should be used. ProceduresOnly the static procedure is allowed. Both general (possibly nonlinear) and linear perturbation steps can be used in submodeling (see General and perturbation procedures for a discussion of general and linear perturbation steps). Obtaining a solution at a particular point in time using linear perturbation analysisIn Abaqus/Standard it is possible to study the submodel's linearized response corresponding to a particular point in time in the global solution by using a static, linear perturbation procedure in the submodel analysis. You can select the increment in the global analysis step that is to be used as the basis for calculating the values for the driven variables. If you do not select an increment in a static linear perturbation step, the last increment of the selected step in the global analysis is used as the basis for calculating the values for the driven variables. You cannot select an increment in a general submodel step. Input File Usage DSLOAD, SUBMODEL, STEP=step, INC=increment Abaqus/CAE Usage Selection of a specific global model increment is not supported in Abaqus/CAE. Mixing general and linear perturbation stepsIt is possible to mix general steps and linear perturbation steps in both the global and the submodel analyses. Abaqus allows general analysis steps to be treated as linear perturbation steps during submodeling, and vice versa. Example: Submodeling with general and linear perturbation stepsFor an example of submodeling that uses both general and linear perturbation steps, consider the following situation. The global analysis consists of a static preload—done as a general, nonlinear, analysis step—followed by extraction of the eigenmodes of the preloaded structure, then a step of 5 seconds of modal dynamic response analysis: STEP ** Apply preload STATIC 0.1, 1.0 … ** Write out stress results for elements needed to ** interpolate to the submodel's surfaces ELEMENT OUTPUT, ELSET=DETAIL S END STEP STEP ** Calculate modes and frequencies FREQUENCY … ** The ELEMENT OUTPUT option is repeated because ** this is the first linear perturbation step ELEMENT OUTPUT, ELSET=DETAIL U END STEP STEP ** Dynamic response of preloaded system MODAL DYNAMIC 0.01, 5.0 … END STEP We wish to study the local, possibly nonlinear, response of a part of this model that is so small that we do not need to model dynamic effects locally and can, thus, perform two steps of static analysis: ** Define submodel surfaces (driven surfaces) SUBMODEL,TYPE=SURFACE PERIM STEP ** Preload STATIC 0.1, 1.0 DSLOAD, SUBMODEL, STEP=1 … END STEP STEP ** Local static response to global dynamic step STATIC 0.01, 5.0 DSLOAD, SUBMODEL, STEP=3 … END STEP It is perfectly acceptable that the submodel analysis requests general, possibly nonlinear, analysis for both steps, while in the global analysis the dynamic step was a linear perturbation step (modal dynamics is always a linear perturbation analysis). It is your responsibility to judge that this use of the submodeling feature is reasonable. For example, suppose that the global analysis were continued with a fourth step of general, nonlinear static response: RESTART, READ, STEP=3 ** Read state at end of initial preload ** (could equally well use RESTART, READ, STEP=1) STEP ** Add more preload STATIC 0.2, 1.0 … END STEP This fourth general analysis step starts with the state at the end of general analysis Step 1 because the frequency extraction and the modal dynamic steps are both linear perturbation steps. However, if we restart the submodel analysis in the same way, the solution may not be comparable with the global model solution: RESTART, READ, STEP=2 ** Read state at end of step 2 STEP ** Add more preload STATIC 0.2, 1.0 DSLOAD, SUBMODEL, STEP=4 … END STEP The second step in the submodel is a general analysis step, to which the response may be nonlinear, thus changing the state of the model. A valid alternative would be to apply the Step 4 response to the submodel immediately after the first step: RESTART, READ, STEP=1 ** Read state at end of preload step STEP ** Add more preload STATIC 0.2, 1.0 DSLOAD, SUBMODEL, STEP=4 … END STEP LoadsAny loads that are applied in the submodel region of the global analysis must be imposed in the submodel analysis in the usual way. It is your responsibility to apply such loads to the submodel correctly so that they correspond to the loading of the global model. See About loads for an overview of the loads available in Abaqus. OutputAny of the output normally available within a particular procedure is also available during a submodeling analysis (see Abaqus/Standard output variable identifiers and Abaqus/Explicit output variable identifiers). As described above, element stress output requests to the output database file must be used in the global analysis to save the values of the driven variables at the submodel boundary. Input file templateGlobal analysis:HEADING … STEP Step 1 STATIC (or STATIC, etc.) Data line to define step time and control incrementation … ELEMENT OUTPUT S OUTPUT, FIELD ELEMENT OUTPUT S END STEP Submodel analysis:HEADING … SUBMODEL,TYPE=SURFACE, EXTERIOR TOLERANCE=tolerance List of all surfaces to be driven ** STEP STATIC (or any other allowable procedure) Data line to define step time and control incrementation. …DSLOAD, SUBMODEL, STEP=1 Data lines listing surfaces to be driven in this step … END STEP |