Manually Configuring the SIMULIA Execution Engine

Once you have initialized the database, you can begin configuring the SIMULIA Execution Engine within the application server.

The SIMULIA Execution Engine is built upon several basic services supplied by commercial products. Each of these services must be installed as a product itself. These services must then be configured (where they interact) to know about each other and to configure the interaction. In this configuration, each product is installed according to its own setup program and is then configured as described in this guide.

Note: WebSphere will not work properly when installed on a computer with a host name that contains underscores or dashes.

In this section:

Starting WebSphere and Determining Server Port Numbers
Creating a J2C Authentication Alias for JDBC Datasources
Adding JDBC Providers
Creating Datasources
Setting the fiperhome Variable and the Library Options
Enabling the Startup Beans Service
JMS Configuration - Configuring Service Integration Bus
Creating JMS Destinations
Creating Queues
Creating Topics and the Connection Factory
Creating the Activation Specifications
Configuring the WebSphere JVM
Setting the DSLS_CONFIG Environment Variable
Deploying the SIMULIA Execution Engine EAR File
Installing the WebTop and WebDashboard