Creating Topics and the Connection Factory

You need to create a JMS Topic that is specific to your SIMULIA Execution Engine stations, and you need to define a Connection Factory for your installation.

  1. Under Resources/JMS on the left side of the console, click Topics.

  2. From the All scopes list, select Cell=<server_name><node_number>Cell.

  3. Click New.

  4. Verify that Default messaging provider is selected.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Type the following information in the corresponding text boxes to create a new Topic (any settings not listed below should be left at the default WebSphere value):

    Name: fiper station

    JNDI name: fiper/jms/station

    Topic name: station

  7. From the Bus name list, select Fiper Bus.

  8. From the Topic space list, select Default.Topic.Space.

  9. Click OK.

    The topic is created.

  10. Click New.

  11. Verify that the Default messaging provider is selected.

  12. Click OK.

  13. Type the following information in the corresponding text boxes to create a new topic (any settings not listed below should be left at the default WebSphere value):

    Name: job monitor

    JNDI name: fiper/jms/jobmonitor

    Topic name: jobmonitor

  14. From the Bus name list, select Fiper Bus.

  15. From the Topic space list, select Default.Topic.Space.

  16. Click OK.

  17. Under Resources/JMS on the left side of the console, click Connection factories.

    Important: Be careful to select Connection factories and not other similar options located near it.

  18. From the All scopes list, select Cell=<server_name><node_number>Cell.

  19. Click New.

  20. Verify that Default messaging provider is selected.

  21. Click OK.

  22. Type the following information in the corresponding text boxes to create a new Connection Factory:

    Name: Fiper CF

    JNDI name: fiper/jms/connectionfactory

  23. From the Bus name list, select Fiper Bus.

  24. In the Target inbound transport chain text box, type the following entry:


  25. In the Provider endpoints text box, type the following entry, substituting the server’s host name and the endpoint address noted in Starting WebSphere and Determining Server Port Numbers.

    For example:


    Note: This port number (7276) is the SIB_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS that you noted previously.

  26. From the Nonpersistent message reliability list, verify that Express nonpersistent is selected .

  27. Type the following information in the corresponding text box:

    Client identifier: fiper

  28. Select <Node_name>.server1-FiperBus as the Durable Subscription home.

  29. From the Persistent message reliability list, select Assured persistent.

  30. From the Authentication alias for XA recovery list, select the appropriate alias.

    Your option should appear similar to one of the following examples:

    • acscomputerNode01/fiperOracleAuth

    • acscomputerNode01/fiperDB2Auth

    Note: This setting is necessary if security will be enabled on your SIMULIA Execution Engine, but it will not impact a non-secure SIMULIA Execution Engine.

  31. From the Mapping-configuration alias list, select DefaultPrincipalMapping.

  32. From the Container-managed authentication alias list, select the appropriate alias.

    Note: This setting is necessary if security will be enabled on your SIMULIA Execution Engine, but it will not impact a non-secure SIMULIA Execution Engine.

  33. Click Apply.

  34. In the Additional Properties area on the right side of the console, click Connection pool properties.

  35. In the Connections timeout text box, verify that 180 appears.

  36. Type the following information in the corresponding text boxes:

    Maximum connections: 100

    Minimum connections: 25

  37. Click OK.