Setting the DSLS_CONFIG Environment Variable

If you are using DS licensing (not FLEXnet) for the SIMULIA Execution Engine, you must configure an environment variable to allow the application to find the DS licensing client configuration file.

The DSLS_CONFIG environment variable must be set to point to the path/location of the DSLicSrv.txt client configuration file in your installation. The DSLicSrv.txt file contains the server name and port number for the license server software. For more information about the DSLicSrv.txt file, see “Configuring Clients” in the Dassault Systèmes License Server Installation and Configuration Guide (DSLS.pdf).

  1. Under Servers/Server Types on the left side of the console, click WebSphere application servers.

  2. On the right side of the console, click server1.

  3. In the Server Infrastructure area on the right side of the console, expand Java and Process Management.

  4. Click Process definition.

  5. In the Additional Properties area on the right side of the console, click Environment Entries.

    The breadcrumb path to this page is shown at the top of the console:

    Application servers > server1 > Process definition > Environment Entries

  6. Click New to add a new environment variable, with the following name and value:


    Value: <see_install_dir>/config/DSLicSrv.txt

    (or ${fiperhome}/../config/DSLicSrv.txt)

    This path is the default location where the SIMULIA Execution Engine installer places the DSLicSrv.txt file.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Save the configuration.