Thermal loads

Thermal loads can be applied in heat transfer analysis, in fully coupled temperature-displacement analysis, fully coupled thermal-electrical-structural analysis, and in coupled thermal-electrical analysis, as outlined in About Prescribed Conditions. The following types of thermal loads are available:

  • Concentrated heat flux prescribed at nodes.

  • Distributed heat flux prescribed on element faces or surfaces.

  • Body heat flux per unit volume.

  • Boundary convection defined at nodes, on element faces, or on surfaces.

  • Boundary radiation defined at nodes, on element faces, or on surfaces.

  • Moving or stationary concentrated heat fluxes defined in user subroutine UMDFLUX.

See About loads for general information that applies to all types of loading.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
About loads
In Other Guides
Defining a concentrated heat flux
Defining a body heat flux
Defining a surface heat flux
Defining a surface film condition interaction
Defining a concentrated film condition interaction
Defining a surface radiative interaction
Defining a concentrated radiative interaction
