Adding Partner Profiles and User Mappings

Federation partner profiles and user mappings are created using the SIMULIA Execution Engine Command Line Client, and each is essential when configuring the Federation feature. During the creation of both a partner profile and a user mapping, you must specify information specific to your Federation environment. You must create partner profiles on each SIMULIA Execution Engine in your Federation environment.

For more information on partner profiles, see About Partner Profiles. For more information on user mappings, see About User Mappings.

  1. Access the SIMULIA Execution Engine Command Line Client:

    • Windows: Click the Start button, point to All Programs / SIMULIA Execution Engine x.x, and click Command Line.

    • Linux: Execute the ./fipercmd command from the following directory:


  2. Log on to the local SIMULIA Execution Engine.

    The Command Line Client is ready when the > prompt appears.

  3. Type the following command:


    A list of currently defined partner profiles appears. Initially there will be none, so you need to add a partner profile.

  4. Type the following command (on a single line) at the > prompt:

    addpartner name:your_partner_name connect:https://remoteserver:port 


    • your_partner_name is the name of the partner SIMULIA Execution Engine. This name can be any readable string, and it will be displayed to users when federated models are built and executed.

    • remoteserver is the IP address or name of the remote SIMULIA Execution Engine.

    • localserver is the IP address or DNS name of the SIMULIA Execution Engine you are currently logged into as seen by the remote server. This entry represents how the remote SIMULIA Execution Engine addresses the local SIMULIA Execution Engine.

    • port is the FiperSSLPort (port number 443), which is the Web Access port for the default_host assigned to the FiperInboundSecure transport chain as described in Configuring Certificate and Keys Usage.

    Use caution when typing the connect and callback strings. They must be exactly correct to ensure proper operation. Be sure to leave a single space between both the your_partner_name string and the connect command and the first port string and the callback command.

    A message appears, informing you that the partner has been created.

  5. Specify one or more user mappings. Each defined partner must have at least one user mapping.

    Type the following command on a single line in your command prompt window:

    addusermap name:your_partner_name localid:localid localpw:localpw foreignid:foreignid


    • your_partner_name is the display name of the partner profile to be modified as specified in Step 4.
    • localid is the ID of the local user account to be used for the mapping.
    • localpw is the password of the local user account.
    • foreignid is the ID of the foreign (remote) user to be mapped to the local user.

    For example,

    addusermap name:MyPartner localid:user1 localpw:user1pwd foreignid:*

    This mapping causes all remote job requests to this partner to execute as local user user1. If no match is made, the map of all remote users (foreignid:*) is used.

  6. If desired, use the partners command in the SIMULIA Execution Engine Command Line client to view the mappings defined for a partner. In addition, you can delete mappings using the deleteusermap command.

    For more information on user mappings, see About User Mappings.

  7. Repeat Steps 4, 5, and 6 for each federated SIMULIA Execution Engine that will be a partner of the current SIMULIA Execution Engine.

  8. Type exit to close the SIMULIA Execution Engine Command Line client.

  9. Repeat Steps 4 and 8 on each SIMULIA Execution Engine in your Federation environment.

  10. Proceed to Updating the SIMULIA Execution Engine Properties File.