About Partner Profiles

A partner profile describes the remote SIMULIA Execution Engine to the local SIMULIA Execution Engine using a name and system-specific URLs. Each SIMULIA Execution Engine that is to participate in a federated environment must know about any other SIMULIA Execution Engine that it will call for service or that will call it for service. These partner profiles are stored in the local SIMULIA Execution Engine database.

A partner profile contains the following information:

  • Display Name. An arbitrary name that is shown to the user when a federated model is configured. It is used only for display purposes.

  • Connection URL. The URL of the B2B web service of the partner (remote) SIMULIA Execution Engine. The partner SIMULIA Execution Engine administrator generally supplies this URL.

  • Callback URL. The URL of the local B2B web service, as seen by the partner (the remote SIMULIA Execution Engine will use this URL to call back to the local SIMULIA Execution Engine). Because of network topologies and firewall address translations, different partners can address the local SIMULIA Execution Engine with different URLs.

Partner profiles must be symmetric between SIMULIA Execution Engines; each partner profile must define the other using a partner profile, and the Connection URL of one profile must be the same as the Callback URL of the other. Furthermore, you cannot use “localhost” as the address. In some cases, the computer will not be known by a DNS name in the remote environment, so an explicit IP address must be used. When configuring a secure Federation connection, the protocol HTTPs (secure) must be used.

A SIMULIA Execution Engine will not accept incoming work requests from a SIMULIA Execution Engine for which there it has no partner profile defined.

For more information about creating partner profiles, see one of the following topics: