ProductsAbaqus/StandardAbaqus/Explicit These two shell elements are axisymmetric versions of the shells described in About the Abaqus shell element library and use the “reduced-integration penalty” method of Hughes et al. (1977). While these are shell elements, they are also simple extensions of the two-dimensional beam elements B21 and B22. The extension is the inclusion of the hoop terms. These elements are thus one-dimensional, deforming in a radial plane. The Cartesian coordinates in this plane are r (radius) and z (axial position). Distance along the shell reference surface in such a plane is measured by the material coordinate S (see Figure 1). Figure 1. Axisymmetric shell.
![]() Interpolation and integrationThe 2-node element (SAX1) uses one-point integration of the linear interpolation function for the distribution of loads. The mass matrix is lumped. The 3-node element (SAX2) uses two-point integration of a quadratic interpolation function for the stiffness and three-point integration of a quadratic interpolation function for the distribution of loads. SAX2 uses a consistent mass matrix. All integrations use the Gauss method. The integration through the thickness follows the usual numerical or exact scheme used in Abaqus. TheoryThis shell theory allows for finite strains and rotations of the shell. The strain measure used is chosen to give a close approximation (accurate to second-order terms) to log strain. Thus, the theory is intended for direct application to cases involving inelastic or hypoelastic deformation where the stress-strain behavior is given in terms of Kirchhoff stress (“true” stress in the usual engineering literature) and log strain, such as metal plasticity. The theory is approximate, but the approximations are not rigorously justified: they are introduced for simplicity and seem reasonable. These approximations are as follows:
The theory is now described in detail. The concepts are taken from various sources, most especially Budiansky and Sanders (1963) and Rodal and Witmer (1979). The position of a material point in the shell is given by where
The assumptions listed above imply that only and that are small quantities. Equation 1 is written at the end of an increment, and at the start of an increment the same equation is written as The metric at the end of an increment is where and is an approximation to the curvature tensor (second fundamental form) of the reference surface. would be precisely the curvature tensor as it is usually defined if This is only approximately true for these elements, because a small transverse shear is allowed. At the start of the increment the same quantities are Axisymmetric shells undergoing axisymmetric deformations have the great simplification that principal directions do not rotate. Thus, by assuming that and are oriented in these principal directions ( is meridional and is circumferential), the stretch ratios that occur within the increment in these directions are written as where from this point onward the summation convention has been dropped for indexes and . Using Equation 3 and Equation 4 and truncating to first order in then gives where and The incremental strain, , is defined as Because this expression approximates the increment of log strain correctly to second-order terms, it can be thought of as a central difference approximation for the rate of deformation. This expression is used because we anticipate that strain increments of a maximum of 20 percent per increment will be used: at that magnitude the difference between this definition of incremental strain and the increment of log strain is about 1%, which seems to be acceptable (4 % of the increment). At lower—and probably more typical—values of strain increment, the error is very much less. Again expanding to first order in the thickness direction coordinate, , we obtain where is the incremental strain of the reference surface—the membrane strain. Now consider the term Write , where e represents the change in length per unit length that occurs within the increment (the “nominal strain” with respect to the configuration at the beginning of the increment). Then Again, if 20 percent, this means that and so once again using the argument that practical applications will involve strain increments of no more than a few percent, we approximate This then gives The stretch ratio in the thickness direction is assumed to be defined by the following relation on the reference surface: where is the thickness stretch ratio caused by thermal expansion. From the definition of The transverse shear strains are written as This simple form is used because these strains are always assumed to be small. This completes the statement of the incremental strain definitions, and so—together with a virtual work statement to represent equilibrium—a theory is available. However, it is necessary to satisfy the minimum requirement that the theory provide constant strain under appropriate motions. This is essential if the theory is to be suitable for many practical cases, most especially those involving thermal loading. Interestingly, the theory in Rodal and Witmer (1979) appears to violate this requirement. To achieve this, a modified incremental curvature change measure is defined as where We know that the radii of curvature of the -line at the end and at the beginning of an increment are given by and In these expressions, as in the following development, no summation is implied by a repeated index . If the -line is stretched uniformly by during the increment, we require that and, further, such uniform stretch of the shell must give constant strain so that since we assume we need under such circumstances. In this motion Defining and assuming satisfies the requirement. Equation 9 may be simplified by substituting in the definition of in Equation 7 to give and so The formulation is completed by the assumption that the virtual work equation can be written where
This completes the statement of the formulation. |