TypeHistory data
Abaqus/CAELoad module
Optional parameters
Set this parameter equal to the name of the amplitude curve that defines the magnitude of the load during the step.
If this parameter is omitted in an Abaqus/Standard analysis, the reference magnitude is applied immediately at the beginning of the step or linearly over the step, depending on the value assigned to the AMPLITUDE parameter on the STEP option (see Defining an analysis). If this parameter is omitted in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis, the reference magnitude is applied immediately at the beginning of the step.
This parameter applies only to Abaqus/Standard analyses.
Set this parameter equal to the load case number. This parameter is used in RANDOM RESPONSE analysis (Random response analysis), when it is the cross-reference for the load case on the CORRELATION option. The parameter's value is ignored in all other procedures.
- OP
Set OP=MOD (default) for existing CONNECTOR LOADs to remain, with this option modifying existing connector loads or defining additional connector loads.
Set OP=NEW if all existing CONNECTOR LOADs applied to the model should be removed. New connector loads can be defined.

Data lines to define connector loads for specific components of relative motion
- First line
Connector element number or element set label.
Available component of relative motion number.
Reference magnitude for the load.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define connector loads.