Odb commands

The Python ODB API commands are used to read and write data from an output database (.odb) file. The path to the Odb object can be via the session.odbs repository or via a variable. In this chapter the Access and Path statements refer to a variable called odb that represents an existing Odb object.

In this section:

Odb object
AnalyticSurface object
AnalyticSurfaceSegment object
BeamOrientation object
FieldBulkData object
FieldLocation object
FieldOutput object
FieldValue object
HistoryOutput object
HistoryPoint object
HistoryRegion object
JobData object
OdbAssembly object
OdbDatumCsys object
OdbFrame object
OdbInstance object
OdbLoadCase object
OdbMeshElement object
OdbMeshNode object
OdbPart object
OdbPretensionSection object
OdbRigidBody object
OdbSequenceAnalyticSurfaceSegment object
OdbSet object
OdbStep object
RebarOrientation object
ScratchOdb object
SectionCategory object
SectionPoint object
SectorDefinition object
UserData object
Odb commands