- position
A SymbolicConstant specifying the position of the output in the element. Possible values are:
NODAL, specifying the values calculated at the nodes.
INTEGRATION_POINT, specifying the values calculated at the integration points.
ELEMENT_NODAL, specifying the values obtained by extrapolating results calculated at the integration points.
ELEMENT_FACE, specifying the results obtained for surface variables such as cavity radiation that are defined for the surface facets of an element.
CENTROID, specifying the value at the centroid obtained by extrapolating results calculated at the integration points.
- precision
A SymbolicConstant specifying the precision of the output in the element. Possible values are:
SINGLE_PRECISION, specifying that the output values are in single precision.
DOUBLE_PRECISION, specifying that the output values are in double precision.
- elementLabel
An Int specifying the element label of the element containing the location. elementLabel is available only if position=INTEGRATION_POINT, CENTROID, ELEMENT_NODAL, or ELEMENT_FACE.
- nodeLabel
An Int specifying the node label of the node containing the location. nodelabel is available only if position=ELEMENT_NODAL or NODAL.
- integrationPoint
An Int specifying the integration point in the element. integrationPoint is available only if position=INTEGRATION_POINT.
- face
A SymbolicConstant specifying the face of the element. face is available only if position=ELEMENT_FACE.
- type
A SymbolicConstant specifying the output type. Possible values are SCALAR, VECTOR, TENSOR_3D_FULL, TENSOR_3D_PLANAR, TENSOR_3D_SURFACE, TENSOR_2D_PLANAR, and TENSOR_2D_SURFACE.
- magnitude
A Float specifying the length or magnitude of the vector. magnitude is valid only when type=VECTOR.
- mises
A Float specifying the calculated von Mises stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes MISES; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
- tresca
A Float specifying the calculated Tresca stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes TRESCA; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
- press
A Float specifying the calculated pressure stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes PRESS; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
- inv3
A Float specifying the calculated third stress invariant. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes INV3; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
- maxPrincipal
A Float specifying the calculated maximum principal stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes MAX_PRINCIPAL; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
- midPrincipal
A Float specifying the calculated intermediate principal stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes MID_PRINCIPAL; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
- minPrincipal
A Float specifying the minimum principal stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes MIN_PRINCIPAL; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
- maxInPlanePrincipal
A Float specifying the maximum principal in-plane stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes MAX_INPLANE_PRINCIPAL; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
- minInPlanePrincipal
A Float specifying the calculated minimum principal in-plane stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes MIN_INPLANE_PRINCIPAL; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
- outOfPlanePrincipal
A Float specifying the calculated principal out-of-plane stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes OUTOFPLANE_PRINCIPAL; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
- instance
An OdbInstance object specifying the part to which the labels belong.
- sectionPoint
A SectionPoint object.
- localCoordSystem
A tuple of tuples of Floats specifying the 3 x 3 matrix of Floats specifying the direction cosines of the local coordinate system. Each sequence represents a row in the direction cosine matrix. localCoordSystem is available only for TENSOR data written in a local coordinate system. If the underlying data are in double precision, an exception will be thrown.
- localCoordSystemDouble
A tuple of tuples of Floats specifying the 3 x 3 matrix of Doubles specifying the direction cosines of the local coordinate system. Each sequence represents a row in the direction cosine matrix. localCoordSystemDouble is available only for TENSOR data written in a local coordinate system. If the underlying data are in single precision, an exception will be thrown.
- data
A tuple of Floats specifying data in the form described by type. If type=TENSOR or VECTOR, data is a sequence containing the components. If the underlying data are in double precision an exception will be thrown.
- dataDouble
A tuple of Floats specifying data in the form described by type. If type=TENSOR or VECTOR, data is a sequence containing the components. If the underlying data are in single precision, an exception will be thrown.
- conjugateData
A tuple of Floats specifying data in the form described by type. If type=TENSOR or VECTOR, conjugateData is a sequence containing the components. If the underlying data are in double precision, an exception will be thrown.
- conjugateDataDouble
A tuple of Floats specifying data in the form described by type. If type=TENSOR or VECTOR, conjugateData is a sequence containing the components. If the underlying data are in single precision, an exception will be thrown.