This method creates an OdbPart object. Nodes and elements are added to this object at a later stage. Pathodb.Part Prototypeodb_Part& Part(const odb_String& name, odb_Enum::odb_DimensionEnum embeddedSpace, odb_Enum::odb_PartTypeEnum type); Required arguments
Optional argumentsNone. Return valueAn OdbPart object. ExceptionsNone. addElements(...)
This method adds elements to an OdbPart object using element labels and nodal connectivity.
Prototypevoid addElements(const odb_SequenceInt& labels, const odb_SequenceSequenceInt& connectivity, const odb_String& type, const odb_String& elementSetName, const odb_SectionCategory& sectionCategory); Required arguments
Optional arguments
Return valueNone. ExceptionsNone. addNodes(...)
This method adds nodes to an OdbPart object using node labels and coordinates.
Prototypevoid addNodes(const odb_SequenceInt& labels, const odb_SequenceSequenceFloat& coordinates, const odb_String& nodeSetName); Required arguments
Optional arguments
Return valueNone. ExceptionsNone. assignBeamOrientation(...)
This method assigns a beam section orientation to a region of a part instance. Prototypevoid assignBeamOrientation(const odb_Set& region, odb_Enum::odb_OrientationMethodEnum method, const odb_SequenceFloat& vector); Required arguments
Optional argumentsNone. Return valueNone. ExceptionsNone. assignMaterialOrientation(...)
This method assigns a material orientation to a region of a part instance. Prototypevoid assignMaterialOrientation(const odb_Set& region, const odb_DatumCsys& localCSys, odb_Enum::odb_AxisEnum axis, float angle, odb_Enum::odb_StackDirectionEnum stackDirection); Required arguments
Optional arguments
Return valueNone. ExceptionsNone. assignRebarOrientation(...)
This method assigns a rebar reference orientation to a region of a part instance. Prototypevoid assignRebarOrientation(const odb_Set& region, const odb_DatumCsys& localCsys, odb_Enum::odb_AxisEnum axis, float angle); Required arguments
Optional arguments
Return valueNone. ExceptionsNone. getElementFromLabel(...)
This method is used to retrieved an element with a specific label from a part object. Prototypeodb_Element getElementFromLabel(int label); Required arguments
Optional argumentsNone. Return valueAn OdbMeshElement object. Exceptions
This method is used to retrieved a node with a specific label from a part object. Prototypeodb_Node getNodeFromLabel(int label); Required arguments
Optional argumentsNone. Return valueAn OdbMeshNode object. Exceptions
This method is used to define a two-dimensional AnalyticSurface object on the part object. Prototypevoid AnalyticRigidSurf2DPlanar(const odb_String& name, const odb_SequenceAnalyticSurfaceSegment& profile, double filletRadius); Required arguments
Optional arguments
Return valueNone. Exceptions
This method is used to define a three-dimensional cylindrical AnalyticSurface on the part object. Prototypevoid AnalyticRigidSurfExtrude(const odb_String& name, const odb_SequenceAnalyticSurfaceSegment& profile, double filletRadius); Required arguments
Optional arguments
Return valueNone. Exceptions
This method is used to define a three-dimensional AnalyticSurface of revolution on the part object. Prototypevoid AnalyticRigidSurfRevolve(const odb_String& name, const odb_SequenceAnalyticSurfaceSegment& profile, double filletRadius); Required arguments
Optional arguments
Return valueNone. Exceptions
This method defines an OdbRigidBody on the part object. Prototypevoid RigidBody(const odb_Set& referenceNode, odb_Enum::odb_PositionEnum position, bool isothermal, const odb_Set& elset, const odb_Set& pinNodes, const odb_Set& tieNodes); Required arguments
Optional arguments
Return valueNone. Exceptions
MembersThe OdbPart object has members with the same names and descriptions as the arguments to the Part method. In addition, the OdbPart object can have the following members: Prototypeodb_String name() const; odb_Enum::odb_DimensionEnum embeddedSpace() const; odb_Enum::odb_PartTypeEnum type() const; odb_Node& nodes(int index) const; odb_SequenceNode& nodes() const; odb_Element& elements(int index) const; odb_SequenceElement& elements() const; odb_SetRepository& nodeSets() const; odb_SetRepository& elementSets() const; odb_SetRepository& surfaces() const; odb_SequenceSectionAssignment sectionAssignments() const; odb_SequenceBeamOrientation beamOrientations() const; odb_SequenceMaterialOrientation materialOrientations() const; odb_SequenceRebarOrientation rebarOrientations() const; odb_SequenceRigidBody rigidBodies() const; bool hasAnalyticSurface() const; odb_AnalyticSurface analyticSurface() const;