The AnalyticSurfaceSegment object has the following members:
odb_String type() const;
odb_SequenceSequenceFloat data() const;
- type
An odb_Enum::odb_typeEnum specifying the type of AnalyticSurfaceSegment. Possible values are odb_Enum::START, odb_Enum::LINE, odb_Enum::CIRCLE, and odb_Enum::PARABOLA.
- data
An odb_SequenceSequenceFloat specifying the coordinates of point/s representing the segment of the AnalyticSurface object. If type=odb_Enum::CIRCLE, the first row contains coordinates of the end point and the second row contains coordinates of the center point. If type=odb_Enum::PARABOLA, the first row contains coordinates of the middle point and the second row contains coordinates of the end point. If type=odb_Enum::START or type=odb_Enum::LINE, a single row contains coordinates of the start/end point.