Context: For this example use 20-node hexahedral elements with reduced integration (C3D20R). Once you have selected the element type, you can design the mesh for the connecting lug. The most important decision regarding the mesh design for this example is how many elements to use around the circumference of the lug's hole. A possible mesh for the connecting lug is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Suggested mesh of C3D20R elements for the connecting lug model.
![]() Another thing to consider when designing a mesh is the type of results you want from the simulation. The mesh in Figure 1 is rather coarse and, therefore, unlikely to yield accurate stresses. Four quadratic elements per 90° is the minimum number that should be considered for a problem such as this one; using twice that many is recommended to obtain reasonably accurate stress results. However, this mesh should be adequate to predict the overall level of deformation in the lug under the applied loads, which is what you were asked to determine. The influence of increasing the mesh density used in this simulation is discussed in Mesh convergence. Abaqus/CAE offers a variety of meshing techniques to mesh models of different topologies. The different meshing techniques provide varying levels of automation and user control. The following three types of mesh generation techniques are available:
When you enter the Mesh module, Abaqus/CAE color codes regions of the model according to the methods it will use to generate a mesh:
Dependent part instances are colored blue at the assembly level. You must switch to a part-level view to mesh a dependent part instance. In this problem you will create a structured mesh. You will find that the model must first be partitioned further to use this mesh technique. After the partitions have been created, a global part seed will be assigned and the mesh will be created. Partition the lugAssign a global part seed and create the mesh |