Opening Results Files

You can open Isight results files from the local disk. When you open a results file from the Design Gateway, the file opens with the results of the last saved execution displayed in the Runtime Gateway.

This task shows you how to:

Open Results Files from the Design Gateway

  1. From the Design Gateway File menu, select Open.

    The Open Sim-flow dialog box appears.

  2. If desired, in the Files of type list, change the file type. By default, All Isight Files (*.zmf, *. zrf) is selected. You can also choose Isight Models (*.zmf), Isight Results (*.zrf), or iSIGHT Description Files (*.desc).

    For information on opening models, see Opening an Existing Model. For information on how to open iSIGHT description files in Isight, see Opening iSIGHT (Classic) Description Files in the Design Gateway.

  3. In the Open From list, select Local Disk.

  4. Navigate to the file, and select it.

  5. Click Open.

    Isight opens the file in the Runtime Gateway.

Open Results Files from the Runtime Gateway

  1. From the Runtime Gateway File menu, select Open Results.

    The Open Results dialog box appears.

  2. In the Open From list, select Local Disk.

  3. Navigate to the file, and select it.

  4. Click Open.

    Isight opens the file in the Runtime Gateway.