Distribution |
Click this option to set the probability
distribution option for the random variable. Similar to sampling techniques,
random variable distributions are implemented as plug-ins used by the
Monte Carlo component. They are extendable by creating new plug-ins for
new distributions. Isight
provides the following distribution plug-ins: - Discrete – Uniform
- Exponential
- Gumbel – largest
- Gumbel – smallest
- Lognormal
- Normal
- Skewed Normal
- Triangular
- Uniform
- Weibull
For more information about these distribution options,
see About Distributions in the Isight Component Guide.
Mean |
This distribution parameter represents
the measure of central tendency of a random variable. Its default setting
is the current value of the parameter. |
Standard Deviation |
This distribution parameter
represents the measure of dispersion of a random variable. Its default
setting is 10% of the mean value.- (optional) Click Fix to fix the standard deviation
and vary the coefficient of variation depending upon the mean value during
run time. Changing the standard deviation value in the editor updates
the coefficient of variation irrespective of the option that is fixed.
This option is applied at run time if you have selected the Update
random variable mean values to current parameter values before execution
Coeff of Variation |
This distribution
parameter is the value of the standard deviation divided by the mean
for the random variable. The default value is 0.1.- (optional) Click Fix to fix the coefficient
of variation and vary the standard deviation depending upon the mean
value during run time. Changing the coefficient of variation in the editor
updates the standard deviation irrespective of the option that is fixed.
This option is applied at run time if you have selected the Update
random variable mean values to current parameter values before execution
Allowed Values (Discrete – Uniform distribution
only) |
This distribution parameter is the discrete set of values that
the random variable may take. Each value has an equal probability (equal
to 1/(number of values)). |
Lambda (Exponential distribution only) |
distribution parameter is the scale parameter for the exponential distribution
and is equal to one over the mean value and/or one over the standard
deviation (mean and standard deviation are equal for the exponential
distribution). |
Alpha (Gumbel, Lognormal, Weibull, and Skewed Normal distributions) |
This distribution parameter is the location parameter for the Gumbel
and Lognormal distributions, the scale parameter for the Weibull distribution,
and the skewness parameter for the Skewed Normal distribution. Skewness
is a measure of the asymmetry of the probability distribution function.
When alpha is zero, the probability distribution function is symmetric
resulting in the standard normal distribution in the case of skewed normal
distribution. |
Beta (Gumbel, Lognormal, and Weibull distributions) |
This distribution parameter is the scale parameter for the Gumbel distributions
and is the shape parameter for the Lognormal and Weibull distributions. |
Omega (Skewed Normal distribution only) |
scale parameter determines the statistical dispersion of the probability
distribution. |
Xi Location (Skewed Normal distribution only) |
This location parameter determines the “shift” or “origin” for
a distribution. |
Low (Triangular and Uniform distributions) |
distribution parameter is the lower limit for the triangular and uniform
distributions. |
Mode (Triangular distribution only) |
This distribution
parameter is the shape parameter of the triangular distribution, representing
the peak of the triangle. |
High (Triangular and Uniform distributions) |
This distribution parameter is the upper limit for the triangular and
uniform distributions. |
Truncate Distribution Tail(s) |
Select this option
if you want to truncate a distribution tail or both the lower and upper
tail. Upon selection, entries appear for Lower and Upper, referring to
the lower tail and the upper tail. Specify the location at which you
want to truncate the distribution. Values of the distribution below the
Lower truncation value and above the Upper truncation value are not sampled.
The distribution preview graphs are updated to display the effects of
truncation. |