For a given random variable , the probability that will take on a value is defined by the probability density function for that random variable: where for all . The probability that the random variable will take on a value less than a specified threshold value is defined by the distribution function for that random variable, often also termed the cumulative distribution function: where 0 for all . For a continuous random variable , the probability density function, , and cumulative distribution function, , are related as follows: The probability density and cumulative distribution functions for a given probability distribution are generally defined as a function of one or more distribution parameters that define the location, shape, or dispersion of the distribution. The following are given for each distribution type:
Note: The integral in the previous equation becomes a summation for discrete random variables, where the summation is taken over the discrete probability values associated with the set of values for the random variable. Only the discrete-uniform type is supported in Isight. The following nomenclature is used throughout this section: