Configuring the Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Technique

You can configure the Multi-Objective Particle Swarm technique options.

  1. Select the optimization technique as described in Configuring the Technique and Execution Options.

  2. In the Optimization Technique Options area, enter or select the following:

    Option Description
    Maximum Iterations The maximum number of iterations during optimization. The default value is 50. Other possible values are 1.
    Number of Particles The size of the population. The number of generated designs during optimization is (number of particles) × (maximum iterations). The default value is 10. Other possible values are 1.
    Inertia The inertia of each particle in the swarm. The default value is 0.9. It is recommended that you choose a value less than 2 for a good compromise between exploration and convergence. Other possible values are >0.
    Global Increment The maximum increment to the particle position based on the global best position. The default value is 0.9. Other possible values are >0.
    Particle Increment The maximum increment to the particle position based on the particle best position. The default value is 0.9. Other possible values are >0.
    Maximum Velocity The maximum value of the particle velocity. The default value is 0.1. Using a higher limit enables exploration of larger regions of the design space at the cost of convergence. Other possible values are >0.
    Maximum Failed Runs This parameter is used to set the maximum number of failed subflow evaluations that can be tolerated by the optimization technique. If the number of failed runs exceeds this value, the optimization component will terminate execution. To disable this feature, set this option to any negative value (e.g., –1). When this option is set to a negative value, the optimization will continue execution despite any number of failed subflow runs.
    Failed Run Penalty Value This parameter represents the value of the Penalty parameter that is used for all failed subflow runs. The default value is 1×1030.
    Failed Run Objective Value This parameter represents the value of the Objective parameter that is used for all failed subflow runs. The default value is 1×1030.
    Use fixed random seed If this option is selected, the random number generator used by the optimization algorithm is seeded using the value specified in the Random seed value text box. All executions of the Optimization component will use exactly the same sequence of random numbers and, therefore, will produce exactly the same design points. This arrangement is useful for debugging the optimization process when it is necessary to reproduce the same sequence of design points.

    If this option is not selected, the random number generator is seeded by using the clock time at the moment of execution.

  3. Click Update Component to save your changes.