Adding JDBC Providers for Oracle or DB2

You must add JDBC Providers to WebSphere for the database. The instructions in this section apply to both Oracle and DB2 databases.

  1. On the left side of the console, click Resources.

    Additional options appear.

  2. Expand JDBC.

  3. Click JDBC providers.

  4. From the All scopes list, select Node=<server_name><node_number>, Server=server1.

  5. Click New.

    The Create a new JDBC Provider screen appears.

  6. From the Database type list, select Oracle or DB2.

  7. In the Provider type list, select Oracle JDBC Driver or DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider.

  8. From the Implementation type list, select XA data source.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Specify the path to the JDBC driver file, as follows:

    • Oracle: In the Directory location text box, type the path to the ojdbc6.jar file you downloaded in About the Driver File for Oracle. Be sure to use forward slashes (/) in your path, even on a Windows system.

    • DB2: In the first Directory location for text box, type the path to the JDBC driver in the java/ subdirectory of your DB2 installation directory.

      Be sure to use forward slashes (/), even on a Windows system. For example, if DB2 is installed in C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB on Windows, the path you enter should be the following:


      On Linux, your directory will resemble the following:


      If DB2 is not installed on the same computer as WebSphere, you need to install or copy the DB2 client on the WebSphere system and point to the files in this local, client installation. This setup is especially necessary if WebSphere and DB2 are running on different operating systems (specifically when one is running on Windows and the other is running on Linux).

  11. Click Next.

  12. Review the summary.

  13. Click Finish.

  14. For a DB2 database only, do the following:

    1. On the left side of the console, click Environment.
    2. Click Variables.
    3. Click New.
    4. In the Name text box, type DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH.
    5. In the Value text box, type the path to the following subdirectory of your SIMULIA Execution Engine installation (depending on your operating system):


      where <see_install_dir> is the base directory of your installation.

    6. Click OK.