About the Driver File for Oracle

Before creating JDBC Providers for Oracle and data sources, you must make the Oracle 11gR2 JDBC driver (ojdbc6.jar) available on the computer where WebSphere is running.

This file is available under the jdbc\lib directory of your Oracle 11gR2 database instance (i.e., <ORACLE_HOME>\jdbc\lib). For example, your directory path should resemble the following:

Windows: C:\oracle\product\\db_1\jdbc\lib\ or C:\oracle111gR2\ora11gR2\jdbc\lib

Linux: /opt/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdbc/lib/

If Oracle is running on a different computer than WebSphere, this file needs to be copied to the computer running WebSphere. It is recommended that you copy this file to the <websphere_install_directory>/AppServer/lib/ directory.