Enabling Security

You can run your WebSphere-based SIMULIA Execution Engine with security enabled or disabled. When security is not enabled, a username and password is not necessary when logging into any feature that is connecting to the SIMULIA Execution Engine.

If you do not want to set up security, proceed to Restarting WebSphere with No Security Enabled.

The security enabling process for the SIMULIA Execution Engine is divided into the following main steps:

  • Configuring LDAP

  • Setting global security options.

  • Specifying users

  • Enabling SIMULIA Execution Engine RunAs security

For complete instructions on how to perform these tasks, see Specifying the WebSphere Security Settings. Once these steps are completed, you must restart the application server as described in Restarting WebSphere with Security Enabled.

Note: There are other aspects related to security, such as enabling the SIMULIA Execution Engine station security feature (Run-As). Although these are discussed in Configuring Security, they are not necessary for setting up SIMULIA Execution Engine security.