Restarting WebSphere with No Security Enabled

When stopping and restarting a non-secure Websphere installation, it is not necessary to specify a username or password. You need to specify only the stop and start commands.

  1. Perform one of the following actions to stop the WebSphere server:

    • Windows: Click the Start button, point to All Programs/IBM WebSphere/IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5/Profiles/AppSrv01, and then click Stop the server.

    • Linux: Navigate to the <websphere_install_directory>/AppServer/bin directory and execute the ./ server1 command.

    A message appears when the server stop action is completed.

  2. Perform one of the following actions to restart the WebSphere server:

    • Windows: Click the Start button, point to All Programs/IBM WebSphere/IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5/Profiles/AppSrv01, and then click Start the server.

    • Linux: Navigate to the <websphere_install_directory>/AppServer/bin directory and execute the ./ server1 command.

    A message appears when the server start action is completed.