Selecting a Load Case

If more than one load case or sub-step exists, the user may wish to choose the load case that is to be taken into consideration. Also, for modal analysis where more than one eigenfrequency is calculated, a selection of the eigenfrequencies of interest is necessary.

The specification of a load case/ sub-step or a mode is done using the definition of the related analysis type, the load case number and the sub-step (if applicable).

This task shows you how to:

Select a Load Case in Tosca ANSA® environment

  1. Choose OBJ_FUNC_ITEM in Task Manager.

  2. In OBJFUNC_TERM dialog, set LC_SEL to MAX and press "?" key in LC_SET field.

  3. Select the LC_SETfor a design response as shown in the following figure:

Select a Load Case in Tosca Structure.gui

  1. Choose Command > DRESP.

  2. Add a LC_SET as shown in the following figure:

    If more than one FE input file is used, then the numbering of load cases is not necessarily unique because the numbering of load cases might start with 1 in each input file. For avoiding this problem, the GUI offers the possibility to select the name of the file that contains the load case to be used in the design response definition. The load cases in the first referenced file in the FEM_INPUT command will then get their original numbers (for more information, see About Loading FE Data in TAe and GUI and FEM_INPUT). If there is a second file referenced in the FEM_INPUT command, then 10000 will be added to its load case numbers; e.g., load case 11 in the second file will be referenced as load case 10011. If a third file is referenced, 20000 will be added to its load case numbers, and so on.

Select a Load Case in Tosca Extension for ANSYS® Workbench

  1. Add a design response to the project.

  2. In the DRESP dialog, set either the Load Case to All or to Manual.

    With Manual selected, a new table containing further Load Case information needs to be filled out. The following figure shows the Load Case selection in the Details View window: