Specifies the Finite Element Input Files for the optimization. Also additional files with nodes and elements for defining restrictions can be imported.


= <id_name_of_fem_input>

Name of the FEM_INPUT definition.


= <name_of_input_file>, <fe-solver>

Name of the input file.

Second label is optional. Can be used instead of commandline

--solver <fe-solver>


= <name_of_input_file>, <life-solver>

Name of the input file.

Second label is optional. Can be used instead of commandline

--life <life-solver>.


= <name_of_input_file>, <fe-solver>

Name of the input file for temperature pre-run.

Second label is optional, but must be the same as by FILE.


= <name_of_add_input_file>

Name of the additional input file.


= <name_of_copy_file>

Name of the additional file.


= <fe_solver_executable>

FE-solver executable.


= <arguments for FE-solver>

Arguments for FE-solver.


= <more arguments for FE-solver>

More arguments for FE-solver.


= <life_solver_executable>

LIFE-solver executable.


= <arguments for LIFE-solver>

Arguments for LIFE-solver.


= <more arguments for LIFE-solver>

More arguments for LIFE-solver.


= <name_of_input_file>

Name of a previously defined FILE or LIFE_FILE.


  1. The item FILE can be repeated several times. The first file in the list of files will be handled as master file, which means that the configuration of the finite element model will be read from this file. The second and all later referenced files will be used to perform a finite element calculation. The model in these files have to be identical to the original FE model. The files will be modified during the optimization.
  2. Second label in FILE item can be used to define the FE-solver. It may be used instead of commandline:
    "-solver <fe-solver>"
    Only one FE-solver and one kind of input decks are allowed.
  3. The item LIFE_FILE can be repeated several times, but only for life solvers that support ONF 601-block (FEMFAT®, femsite, ... ). The files will not be modified during the optimization.
  4. The item TEMPERATURE_FILE may be used to define a temperature pre- analysis. This feature is currently only supported with Abaqus.
  5. The item ADD_FILE can be repeated several times. All nodes and elements stored in the file referenced with this item will not be used for the optimization. This item can be used for the specification of neighboring elements for the definition of manufacturing constraints.
  6. The item COPY_FILE can be repeated several times. The file(s) are copied in to the working directory at the start of the optimization. See also configuration possibility "add_files_to_work_dir".
  7. All files must differ in the filenames without suffix.
     FILE = model.inp 
  8. FILE_SOLVER_EXE, FILE_CMDLINE, FILE_ADD_CALL must be defined after a FILE item. These statements are analogue to $fe_solver_exe, $fe_solver_cmdline, $fe_solver_add_call in the configuration but relates ONLY to the last FILE-statement before this command.
  9. LIFE_FILE_SOLVER_EXE, LIFE_FILE_CMDLINE, LIFE_FILE_AD­ D_CALL must be defined after a LIFE_FILE item. These statements are analogue to $life_solver_exe, $life_solver_cmdline, $life_solver_add_call in the configuration but relates ONLY to the last LIFE_FILE statement before this command.
  10. DEPENDENT_FILE can be used when having parallel submit scripts, that have dependencies on each other. One or more FILEs can have dependency only on one FILE. It would mean that they can be called simultaneously, if the submit script setup allows this. (See information about ${fe_solver_submit_check} and ${life_solver_sub­ mit_check} in ) Please note: DEPENDENT_FILE can only be used in combination with submit scripts (${fe_solver_submit_check} or ${life_solver_­ submit_check} is set). In standard setup without submit scripts this entry is ignored. Default is DEPENDENT_FILE = None, which means the FILE (or LIFE_FILE) has no dependencies. Please contact your local SIMULIA Tosca Structure support for further information.


 ID_NAME = my_finite_element_models
 FILE = my_fe_model.inp
 ADD_FILE = restriction_elements_left.inp
 ADD_FILE = restriction_elements_right.inp

If you have three Abaqus jobs where the first one is a pre-load step which is to be used in the two following jobs. Also, the first job is run with 24 CPUs, the other ones with just 12 CPUs. Your FEM_INPUT command could then look like the following:

  ID_NAME = model
  FILE = input1.inp
  FILE_ADD_CALL = cpus=24
  FILE = input2.inp
  FILE_ADD_CALL = cpus=12 globalmodel=input1.inp
  FILE = input3.inp
  FILE_ADD_CALL = cpus=12 globalmodel=input1.inp