Prescribed Accelerations for Sensitivity-Based Topology OptimizationPrescribed acceleration loading are often caused by gravity fields, centrifugal loading and rotary acceleration loads. This chapter defines which kind of acceleration types for the ANSYS® are feasible for sensitivity-based topology optimization. The following commands are supported (In global Cartesian directions):
The following commands are supported (About another reference coordinate system):
The following commands are supported (For element components):
Multi CPU-Processors (MPI) in Combination with Sensitivity-Based Topology OptimizationTosca Limitations:
Nonlinear Sensitivity-Based Optimizations (ANSYS® 14 Required)Displacements, internal and reaction forces and stress values (i.e. all design responses except of compliance) extracted from nonlinear static analysis require information (pseudoloads) from ANSYS® perturbation steps for sensitivity-based optimization. These perturbation analyses are only available in ANSYS® 14 or newer and allow for the elements enlisted in the table below.
Linear perturbations in ANSYS® currently only allow the following element types: