FilterSIMULIA Tosca Structure uses a filter on the objective function sensitivities, the constraint sensitivities and the design variables to gain smooth results. The filter settings can be altered to either use another filter radius or to disable the filter. FILTER_RADIUS= <positive_real_value>, [ABS|REL]The filter radius is used to filter the objective function sensitivities, the constraint sensitivities and the design variables. The second parameter indicates if the radius is given in ABSolute units (default) or RELative i.e. in terms of the medium edge length. Default value is 4 * medium_edge_length. To disable filtering, use 0 or any negative value. Using the FILTER_RADIUS=<value> parameter is equivalent to using the three parameters OPT_PARAM ID_NAME=MY_OPT_PARAM OPTIMIZE=MY_OPTIMIZE FILTER_SEN = <value> FILTER_CONSEN = 0.5*<value> FILTER_DV = 0.5*<value> END_ It is also possible to set individual filter radii. For the objective function sensitivity filtering use FILTER_SEN= <positive_real_value>, [ABS|REL]For filtering the sensitivities of the constraints, use FILTER_CONSEN= <positive_real_value>, [ABS|REL]and for filtering the design variables use FILTER_DV= <positive_real_value>, [ABS|REL] |