ProductsAbaqus/Standard User subroutine interface SUBROUTINE URDFIL(LSTOP,LOVRWRT,KSTEP,KINC,DTIME,TIME)
user coding to read the results file
END Variables to be defined
Variables passed in for information
Example: Terminating an analysis upon exceeding a Mises stress limitThe example below reads the values of Mises stress for the current increment from record 12 in the results file and terminates the analysis if any of the values of Mises stress written to the results file exceed 2.09 × 108. Here, POSFIL is used to position you to read from the current increment. SUBROUTINE URDFIL(LSTOP,LOVRWRT,KSTEP,KINC,DTIME,TIME) C INCLUDE 'ABA_PARAM.INC' C DIMENSION ARRAY(513),JRRAY(NPRECD,513),TIME(2) EQUIVALENCE (ARRAY(1),JRRAY(1,1)) PARAMETER(TOL=2.09D8) C C FIND CURRENT INCREMENT. C CALL POSFIL(KSTEP,KINC,ARRAY,JRCD) DO K1=1,999999 CALL DBFILE(0,ARRAY,JRCD) IF (JRCD .NE. 0) GO TO 110 KEY=JRRAY(1,2) C C RECORD 12 CONTAINS VALUES FOR SINV C IF (KEY.EQ.12) THEN IF (ARRAY(3).GT.TOL) THEN LSTOP=1 GO TO 110 END IF END IF END DO 110 CONTINUE C RETURN END Example: Terminating an analysis when the maximum Mises stress value stops increasingThis example demonstrates the use of URDFIL and POSFIL to stop an analysis when the maximum value of Mises stress in the model does not increase from one increment in the results file to the next. A data statement is used to save the maximum Mises stress value from the last increment. LOVRWRT is also used in this case to overwrite an increment in the results file once it has been read in URDFIL. The subroutine shown below must be modified to define the maximum Mises stress in the data statement each time a job is restarted. This can be avoided by removing the LOVRWRT=1 statement and recoding the routine to read both the previous and the current increment to check that the Mises stress increases from one increment to the next (in this case you must correctly handle the first increment written to the results file as there will be no previous increment). The results file must also be properly appended on restart if you wish to compare the values of Mises stress between the first increment of a restart and the final increment of the job being restarted. This approach has the disadvantage that the results file may become quite large, as no information in the file will be overwritten. SUBROUTINE URDFIL(LSTOP,LOVRWRT,KSTEP,KINC,DTIME,TIME) C INCLUDE 'ABA_PARAM.INC' C DIMENSION ARRAY(513),JRRAY(NPRECD,513),TIME(2) EQUIVALENCE (ARRAY(1),JRRAY(1,1)) C C INITIALIZE THE OLD MAXIMUM. FOR A JOB THAT IS BEING RESTARTED C THIS VALUE SHOULD BE SET TO THE MAXIMUM MISES STRESS IN THE C ORIGINAL ANALYSIS. C DATA OLDMAX/-1.D0/ C CURRMAX = 0.D0 C C FIND CURRENT INCREMENT. C CALL POSFIL(KSTEP,KINC,ARRAY,JRCD) C C SEARCH FOR THE HIGHEST VALUE OF MISES STRESS C AND STORE THIS IN CURRMAX C DO K1=1,999999 CALL DBFILE(0,ARRAY,JRCD) IF (JRCD.NE.0) GO TO 110 KEY=JRRAY(1,2) IF (KEY.EQ.12) THEN IF (ARRAY(3).GT.CURRMAX) CURRMAX=ARRAY(3) END IF END DO 110 CONTINUE C C COMPLETED READING OF CURRENT INCREMENT. NOW CHECK TO C SEE IF VALUE OF MISES STRESS HAS INCREASED SINCE C LAST INCREMENT C IF (CURRMAX.LE.OLDMAX) LSTOP=1 OLDMAX=CURRMAX LOVRWRT=1 C RETURN END |