ProductsAbaqus/Standard Accessing node point dataYou are provided with access to the values of the node point quantities at the end of the increment through the utility routine GETVRN described in Obtaining node point information. You can also access values of material point quantities extrapolated to, and averaged, at nodes at the end of the increment through the utility routine GETVRMAVGATNODE described in Obtaining material point information averaged at a node. GETVRMAVGATNODE requires the list of elements attached to the node, which is obtained by calling the utility routine GETNODETOELEMCONN described in Obtaining node to element connectivity. User subroutine interfaceSUBROUTINE UMESHMOTION(UREF,ULOCAL,NODE,NNDOF, * LNODETYPE,ALOCAL,NDIM,TIME,DTIME,PNEWDT, * KSTEP,KINC,KMESHSWEEP,JMATYP,JGVBLOCK,LSMOOTH) C INCLUDE 'ABA_PARAM.INC' C DIMENSION ULOCAL(NDIM),JELEMLIST(*) DIMENSION ALOCAL(NDIM,*),TIME(2) DIMENSION JMATYP(*),JGVBLOCK(*) C user coding to define ULOCAL and, optionally PNEWDT RETURN END Variables to be defined
Variables that can be updated
Variables passed in for information