Define the reflection load on a surface caused by incident wave fields.

This option is used to define reflected incident wave fields. It must be used in conjunction with the INCIDENT WAVE INTERACTION option (preferred interface for applying incident wave loading) or the INCIDENT WAVE option (alternative interface).

Related Topics
In Other Guides
Acoustic and shock loads


TypeHistory data


There are no parameters associated with this option.


Data lines to define an incident wave reflection

First line
  1. Distance from the source point to the first reflecting plane.

  2. X-direction cosine of the normal to the reflecting plane, pointing away from the source point.

  3. Y-direction cosine of the normal to the reflecting plane, pointing away from the source point.

  4. Z-direction cosine of the normal to the reflecting plane, pointing away from the source point.

  5. Reflection coefficient. The default value is zero, meaning no reflected wave will be applied.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to describe the planes that reflect the incident wave.