This method creates a GeneralStiffnessSection object.
Required arguments
- name
A String specifying the repository key.
- stiffnessMatrix
A sequence of Floats specifying the stiffness matrix for the section in the order D11, D12, D22, D13, D23, D33, ...., D66. Twenty-one entries must be given.
Optional arguments
- referenceTemperature
None or a Float specifying the reference temperature for thermal expansion. The default value is None.
- applyThermalStress
A Boolean specifying whether or not the section stiffness varies with thermal stresses. The default value is OFF.
- temperatureDependency
A Boolean specifying whether the data depend on temperature. The default value is OFF.
- dependencies
An Int specifying the number of field variable dependencies. The default value is 0.
- poissonDefinition
A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to use the default value for the Poisson's ratio. Possible values are:
DEFAULT, specifying that the default value for the Poisson's ratio is 0.5 in an Abaqus/Standard analysis and is obtained from the material definition in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.
VALUE, specifying that the Poisson's ratio used in the analysis is the value provided in poisson.
The default value is DEFAULT.
- poisson
A Float specifying the Poisson's ratio. Possible values are −1.0 poisson 0.5. This argument is valid only when poissonDefinition=VALUE. The default value is 0.5.
- useDensity
A Boolean specifying whether or not to use the value of density. The default value is OFF.
- density
A Float specifying the value of density to apply to this section. The default value is 0.0.
- thermalStresses
A sequence of Floats specifying the generalized stress values caused by a unit temperature rise. Six entries must be given if the value of applyThermalStress is set to True. The default value is ("").
- scalingData
A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the scaling factors for given temperatures and/or field data. Each row should contain (Y, alpha, T, F1,...,Fn). The default value is an empty sequence.
Return value
A GeneralStiffnessSection object.