- assembledType
A SymbolicConstant specifying the assembled connection type. Possible values are:
The default value is NONE.
You cannot include the assembledType argument if translationalType or rotationalType are given a value other than NONE. At least one of the arguments assembledType, translationalType, or rotationalType must be given a value other than NONE.
- rotationalType
A SymbolicConstant specifying the basic rotational connection type. Possible values are:
The default value is NONE.
You cannot include the rotationalType argument if assembledType is given a value other than NONE. At least one of the arguments assembledType, translationalType, or rotationalType must be given an value other than NONE.
- translationalType
A SymbolicConstant specifying the basic translational connection type. Possible values are:
The default value is NONE.
You cannot include the translationalType argument if assembledType is given a value other than NONE. At least one of the arguments assembledType, translationalType, or rotationalType must be given an value other than NONE.
- integration
A SymbolicConstant specifying the time integration scheme to use for analysis. This argument is applicable only to an Abaqus/Explicit analysis. Possible values are UNSPECIFIED, IMPLICIT, and EXPLICIT. The default value is UNSPECIFIED.
- u1ReferenceLength
None or a Float specifying the reference length associated with constitutive response for the first component of relative motion. The default value is None.
- u2ReferenceLength
None or a Float specifying the reference length associated with constitutive response for the second component of relative motion. The default value is None.
- u3ReferenceLength
None or a Float specifying the reference length associated with constitutive response for the third component of relative motion. The default value is None.
- ur1ReferenceAngle
None or a Float specifying the reference angle in degrees associated with constitutive response for the fourth component of relative motion. The default value is None.
- ur2ReferenceAngle
None or a Float specifying the reference angle in degrees associated with constitutive response for the fifth component of relative motion. The default value is None.
- ur3ReferenceAngle
None or a Float specifying the reference angle in degrees associated with constitutive response for the sixth component of relative motion. The default value is None.
- massPerLength
None or a Float specifying the mass per unit reference length of belt material. This argument is applicable only when assembledType=SLIPRING, and must be specified in that case. The default value is None.
- contactAngle
None or a Float specifying the contact angle made by the belt wrapping around node b. This argument is applicable only to an Abaqus/Explicit analysis, and only when assembledType=SLIPRING. The default value is None.
- materialFlowFactor
A Float specifying the scaling factor for material flow at node b. This argument is applicable only when assembledType=RETRACTOR or rotationalType=FLOW_CONVERTER. The default value is 1.0.
- regularize
A Boolean specifying whether or not all tabular data associated with the behaviorOptions will be regularized. This argument is applicable only for an Abaqus/Explicit analysis. The default value is ON.
- defaultTolerance
A Boolean specifying whether or not the default regularization tolerance will be used for all tabular data associated with the behaviorOptions. This argument is applicable only for an Abaqus/Explicit analysis and only if regularize=ON. The default value is ON.
- regularization
A Float specifying the regularization increment to be used for all tabular data associated with the behaviorOptions. This argument is applicable only for an Abaqus/Explicit analysis and only if regularize=ON and defaultTolerance=OFF. The default value is 0.03.
- extrapolation
A SymbolicConstant specifying the extrapolation technique to be used for all tabular data associated with the behaviorOptions. Possible values are CONSTANT and LINEAR. The default value is CONSTANT.
- behaviorOptions
A ConnectorBehaviorOptionArray object.