In the Model Tree, double-click Hinge-solid underneath the Parts container to make it current. Abaqus/CAE displays the part in the current viewport. Look at the viewport title bar to see which part is being displayed.
Expand the Features container underneath Hinge-solid.
Click mouse button 3 on Datum pt-1 in the list of part features.
Abaqus/CAE highlights the point, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Delete the datum point and its children.

From the menu that appears, select Delete. When you delete a selected feature, Abaqus/CAE asks whether you also want to delete any features that depend on the feature being deleted. The feature being deleted is called the parent feature, and its dependent features are called children. Abaqus/CAE highlights all the features that it will delete if the parent feature is deleted. From the buttons in the prompt area, click Yes to delete the datum point and all its children. Abaqus/CAE deletes the datum point. Because they were dependent on the datum point, Abaqus/CAE also deletes the datum axis, the datum plane, and the lubrication hole.