ProductsAbaqus/StandardAbaqus/Explicit Output database structureEvery output database consists of two main sections: model data and results data. The database is further broken down into a hierarchical structure of containers, as indicated in Figure 1. Figure 1. Structure of an output database
![]() The data that can appear in a report reside in the containers at the far right of each branch. These containers can be used to classify the four main branches of the output database:
The containers in the model data section of the tree are singular containers: each model has one container for mesh information and one container for sets information. The containers in the results section of the tree, however, represent aggregates of multiple containers. For a multistep analysis, the output database will have a separate step container for each step of the analysis. Within each step container will be multiple frames and historyRegions containers. Within each individual frames container will be multiple fieldOutputs containers, and so on. The output database assigns names or values to these individual containers to help distinguish and identify them. For a more detailed discussion of the output database structure, see Object model for the output database. Generating summary reportsIf you generate a report using only the required and file formatting command line options, the report will be a brief summary of the output database. This summary contains a listing of the following information:
The information contained in this summary can help you determine the names and values of containers in the output database. Adding information to a reportYou can create more comprehensive reports using additional command line options. Most of these options correspond to a container in the output database structure outlined in Figure 1. Using these options to specify the name or value of a container instructs the utility to extract the data found in that container and to add it to the generated report. Container names and values are not always unique, and may appear more than once in an output database. For example, a container corresponding to frame 1 will likely appear in every individual step container for a multistep analysis; similarly, a container holding a specific field output variable usually appears inside every frame of the step. The utility will add all instances of these containers to the report. To refine the container selection, you can combine options. When more than one container from the same branch is indicated on the command line, the utility only reports the data that are common to both containers. For example, if two options specify the container for Step 1 and the container for frame 3, the utility will add results data only from the third frame of the first step to the report. If you specify containers from different branches, the data from each container are added to the report. For example, if the two options specify the sets container and a history region container, both sets data and history output data are added to the report. You identify specific containers by setting the associated option equal to the name or value of that container. To include multiple containers of the same type, set the option equal to a comma-separated list. The names are case-sensitive. If the names include spaces, you must enclose the entire value in double quotation marks ("container name"). Additional optionsThe output database report utility offers some additional options for controlling the organization and details of a report. These options will have no effect unless they are invoked in conjunction with other container options. Command summaryabaqus odbreportjobjob-nameodboutput-database-filemode{HTMLCSV}allmeshsetsresultsstep{step-name_LAST_}frame{numberload-case-namedescription_LAST_}framevalue{timemodefrequency}fieldfield-variablecomponentsinvariantsorientationhistregionregion-namehistoryhistory-variableinstance{instance-name_NONE_}blockedextrema
Command line optionsRequired optionsYou must include at least one of the following options when executing abaqus odbreport. They tell the utility where to find the output database and where to print the report. Use both options together to make the report's file name unique from the output database name.
File formatting option
Option to generate a full output database report
Options to report model dataThe following options extract information from the model data section of the output database.
Options to report results dataThe following options extract information from the results data section of the output database.
Options to report field output variablesThe following options extract information from containers in the fieldOutputs branch of the output database.
Options to report different field variable attributesIf none of the following options is invoked, the utility automatically reports components and (if applicable) orientations for each field variable. Otherwise, the utility reports only the attributes specified by these options. These options will have an effect only if used in conjunction with other field output variable options. Invariants and orientations are not available for all field variables.
Options to report history output variablesThe following options extract information from containers in the historyOutputs branch of the output database.
Additional optionsThe following options add an additional level of control and detail to a report. They are not associated directly with the output database structure and will not add database information to a report. They must be used in conjunction with the previously described options.
ExamplesThe following examples illustrate the capabilities of the odbreport execution procedure and the effects of different option combinations. File naming and formattingThe following command generates a brief summary of the output database beam.odb in a plain text file named beam.rep: abaqus odbreport job=beam To create the same report in HTML format and with the name beamreport.htm, execute the following command: abaqus odbreport job=beamreport odb=beam mode=html Adding information to a reportUse additional command line options to add data from specified containers to a report. The following command creates a report listing nodal coordinates and element connectivity from the model and all output variable values associated with the step named Apply weight: abaqus odbreport job=beam mesh step="Apply weight" You can refine the results data listed by using combinations of options. In the following example, the utility reports only history output variable values that were output from the history region named Node350 in the Apply weight step: abaqus odbreport job=beam step="Apply weight" histregion=Node350 If a container is identified by a name or value that is not unique, the generated report will include all occurrences of that container. The following command creates a report listing the values for field variable RF that were output in the third frame of every individual step: abaqus odbreport job=beam frame=3 field=RF To report the magnitude of RF instead of its components, use the invariants option: abaqus odbreport job=beam frame=3 field=RF invariants To add multiple containers of the same type to a report, you can set an option equal to a comma-separated list. The following command reports all values of field output variables U and S that were output during the steps Apply weight and Side load: abaqus odbreport job=beam step="Apply weight","Side load" field=U,S Additional optionsUse the instance option to limit reported information to a particular section of your model. The following command reports set names and nodes, and values of S in the last frame of every step from the database motor.odb. However, only information related to part instance pistonA appears in the report: abaqus odbreport job=motor sets frame=_LAST_ field=S instance=pistonA Selecting framesThe frame and framevalue options can accept a wide variety of value types, making them powerful report-building options. Because of this variety, it is sometimes necessary to invoke both options to specify a particular frame. For example, consider the output database plate.odb, the results of a steady-state dynamic analysis. The analysis investigated the response of a plate over a range of 20 different frequencies under three different load cases. The output database, therefore, includes results for the three different load cases at each frequency. You are interested in the response at 45 Hz under the load case named lc2. Setting frame=lc2 will report field variables for load case lc2 at every frequency (a total of 20 frames). Setting framevalue=45 will report field variables for every load case associated with the 45 Hz frequency (a total of three frames). To limit the report to the single frame of interest, you must invoke both options together: abaqus odbreport job=plate frame=lc2 framevalue=45 |