Displaying and hiding construction geometry

You can create to help you position and align objects in your sketch.

Related Topics
Construction geometry
Creating construction geometry
Customizing the Sketcher
How Sketcher customization options are initialized and saved


For example, the following figure shows a series of holes aligned along an oblique construction line. The holes are centered where the vertical construction lines intersect the oblique construction line:

If the construction geometry becomes distracting, you can use the Show construction geometry option in the Sketcher Options dialog box to hide it. (By default, construction geometry is displayed when you start the Sketcher.) If preselection is enabled, the cursor will still snap to items associated with hidden construction geometry, such as the intersection of a line with a construction line. Customization of the display of construction geometry applies to the current sketch and is stored along with the sketch.

  1. From the bottom of the Sketcher toolbox, select the customization tool .

    The Sketcher Options dialog box appears.

  2. From the General tabbed page, toggle Show construction geometry.

    When Show construction geometry is on, Abaqus/CAE displays construction geometry in the sketch.

  3. After you have chosen the desired customization options, click OK to apply your changes and to close the Sketcher Options dialog box.