On the Dependencies tabbed page:
If you are defining a thermal expansion coefficient that is a function of temperature, toggle on Specify reference temperature and enter the reference temperature, θ0, in the field provided.
To define thermal stresses on the shell section, toggle on Apply thermal stress and enter the stress components in the table provided: ε11 (Sigma11), ε22 (Sigma22), γ12 (Gamma12), κ11 (K11), κ22 (K22), and κ12 (K12).
To define scaling factors that depend on temperature, toggle on Use temperature-dependent data.
A column labeled Temp appears in the Scaling factors data table.
To define scaling factors that depend on field variables, click the arrows to the right of the Number of field variables to increase or decrease the number of field variables.
Field variable columns appear in the Scaling factors data table.
In the Scaling factors data table, enter the Scaling modulus (Y) for the stiffness matrix and the Thermal Expansion Coefficient (α) for the thermal stresses.