Setting the mesh algorithm

The mesh algorithm options that are available depend on the element shape and the meshing technique that you have selected. If the mesh algorithm option is applicable to the type of mesh you are creating, an Algorithm field appears on the right side of the Mesh Controls dialog box.

Related Topics
Free meshing
Controlling mesh characteristics
Using the Mesh module toolbox
Selecting objects within the viewport


Abaqus/CAE provides the following mesh algorithm options:

Choose the mesh algorithm

Choose either Medial axis or Advancing front. It is difficult to predict which algorithm will produce a better mesh for a particular region; you may have to experiment with the two algorithm settings. For more information, see What is the difference between the medial axis algorithm and the advancing front algorithm?.

Minimize the mesh transition

You can control whether Abaqus/CAE will try to minimize the mesh transition when it moves from a coarse mesh to a fine mesh. In most cases, toggling on Minimize the mesh transition will reduce mesh distortion. However, if you toggle off Minimize the mesh transition, the mesh may move closer to the specified mesh seeds. For more information, see What is a mesh transition?.

Use mapped meshing where appropriate

Some models that appear very complex actually contain faces with relatively simple geometry. By default, Abaqus/CAE uses the mapped meshing technique where appropriate to generate elements on simple faces. You can toggle off Use mapped meshing where appropriate to prevent Abaqus/CAE from using mapped meshing. However, if you mesh a model with simple faces and do not allow mapped meshing, the resulting element quality can be poor on the simple faces. For more information, see What is mapped meshing?, and When can Abaqus/CAE apply mapped meshing?.

Insert boundary layer

When you are creating a free mesh of tetrahedral elements, you can add a boundary layer of wedge elements along the faces of region boundaries. The boundary layer is composed of a series of wedge elements stacked normal to the solid wall of the region with the thinnest elements against the wall. Boundary layers create a mesh with a high density at the wall and decreasing density as it progresses toward the tetrahedral mesh in the interior of the region. For detailed instructions on creating a boundary layer, see Adding layers of wedge elements to tetrahedral mesh boundaries.

Use the default algorithm

When you are creating a free mesh of tetrahedral elements, you can choose the default mesh generation algorithm or the algorithm that was included with Abaqus/CAE 6.4 and earlier. In most cases the default algorithm is more robust, particularly when meshing complex shapes and thin solids. For more information, see Free meshing with triangular and tetrahedral elements.

Increase the size of the interior elements

If you choose the default mesh generation algorithm to create a free mesh of tetrahedral elements, you can toggle on Non-standard interior element growth and use either the slider control or the text field to specify a growth rate for interior elements. The growth rate must be between 1.0 (no or minimal growth) and 2.0 (maximum growth).

If the mesh density is adequate for the model being analyzed and the areas of interest are on the mesh boundary, increasing the size of the interior elements will increase the computational efficiency. To view the internal elements generated by Abaqus/CAE, you can use a view cut or use display groups to remove exterior elements from the view.

  1. From the main menu bar, select MeshControls.

    Abaqus/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

    Tip: You can also click the tool, located in the Mesh module toolbox. (For more information, see Using the Mesh module toolbox.)

  2. If your part or assembly contains more than one region, select the regions of interest and click mouse button 2.

    The Mesh Controls dialog box appears. If the mesh algorithm option is applicable to the selected element shape and meshing technique, an Algorithm field appears on the right side of the Mesh Controls dialog box.

  3. Select the desired algorithm options, and click OK to save your data and to close the dialog box.