Defining a concentrated pore fluid flow

You can create a concentrated pore fluid flow load to define concentrated pore fluid flow at a vertex or node in soils analyses.

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Pore fluid flow
  1. Display the concentrated pore fluid flow load editor using one of the following methods:

  2. Click the arrow to the right of the Distribution field, and select the option of your choice from the list that appears:

    • Select Uniform to define a load that is uniform over the region.

    • Select an analytical field to define a spatially varying load. Only analytical fields that are valid for this load type are displayed in the selection list. Alternatively, you can click to create a new analytical field. (See The Analytical Field toolset,” for more information.)

  3. In the Magnitude field, enter the flow velocity (units LT−1). A positive magnitude indicates fluid flow into the body at the vertex or node.

  4. If desired, click the arrow to the right of the Amplitude field, and select the amplitude of your choice from the list that appears. Alternatively, you can click to create a new amplitude. (See The Amplitude toolset,” for more information.)

  5. Click OK to save your data and to exit the editor.