When you create a new part, you must describe the base feature. You do this by specifying two properties of the base feature: its shape and type. The shape indicates the basic topology of the feature; that is, whether it is a solid, shell, wire, or point. The type indicates which of the following methods will be used to generate the base feature:
Before you create a part and choose the shape and the type of the base feature, you should know the sequence you will use to construct the desired part. Choosing the correct type and shape of the base feature is important. Table 1 shows the base features that you can select based on the part's modeling space and type.
A part imported from a file containing third-party format geometry consists of a single feature that you import into Abaqus/CAE as the base feature of a new part. You cannot modify this base feature, but you can add additional features to it. Similarly, a mesh part is created in the Mesh module or imported from an output database as the base feature of a new part. You can use the mesh editing tools to add and delete nodes and elements from a mesh, or you can use the tools in the Part module to add geometric features to the mesh. |