Creating a DOE Main Effects Graph

You can create main effects graphs for DOE components that show the effect of a factor or set of factors on a response by plotting the relationship as determined by the data set's regression analysys.

  1. Select the DOE component for which you want to create a main effect graph from the model explorer on the left side of the gateway, and click the Graphs or Graph Templates tab.

    The contents of the tab appear with the selected component’s name displayed at the top of the tab.

  2. Verify that the proper page is selected at the bottom of the tab. By default, Page 1 is used. You can create multiple pages using the <New> tab.

  3. Create a graph by doing any of the following:

    • Click the Graph button below the component title bar.
    • Click the button next to the Graph button, and select Main Effects Graph.
    • Double-click the DOE main effects graph's icon displayed on the toolbar next to the Graph and Table buttons. You can also drag and drop the icon onto the grid.

      Tip: You can control the icons that are displayed on the toolbar by clicking the Visual Palette button and moving graphs from the Available list to the Selected list. You can also drag the icons on the toolbar to arrange the icons more efficiently.

  4. If you created the graph by using the Graph button, do the following:

    1. Select Main Effects Graph from the Graph Creation Wizard.
    2. Click Next.

  5. Select the parameters:

    1. Click a parameter to select parameters individually.
    2. Click Select All to choose groups of parameters (Factors or Responses).
    3. Click Deselect All to remove your selections.
    4. Click Next.

  6. Click Overlay (Multi-line) to create a single graph with multiple data sets (one for each parameter). If this option is not selected, a separate graph is created for each selected parameter.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Set the following options as desired:

    • Select the Fit type.

      • A Continuous fit type generates smooth curves by evaluating the polynomial from the regression fit at numerous points across the range of the factor.
      • A Piecewise fit plots distinct line segments joining only the evaluated points at the exact levels at which the factor was studied.

    If you used Orthogonal Arrays as the DOE component technique and selected a Piecewise fit, you can Include effects from unassigned columns. This option displays the calculated main effects for columns in the orthogonal array that did not have factors assigned to them, representing effects due to other sources such as factor interactions.

    • If multiple factors are selected and the Overlay (multi-line) option is selected on the parameter selection page, the lines representing the effects are overlaid on top of each other by default. Click Side by side factor effects to view the effect of the factors on the response next to each other in the same graph.

  9. Click Next.

  10. From the Graph Options screen, set any additional display options for the graph. The screen contains two tabs (General and 2D).

    After you create the graph, you can change any of these options without recreating the graph (see Update the Options Used to Create a Graph).

    • Set the following options on the General tab:
      • Custom X Axis Label, Custom Y Axis Label, Custom Z Axis Label. Enter the X-axis label, Y-axis label, or Z-axis label that will appear on the graph. By default, Isight uses the corresponding parameter name. If a unit has been defined for the parameter, it also appears as part of the label.
      • Custom Title. Enter the title that will appear at the top of the graph. By default, Isight uses a combination of the selected parameter names and the type of graph to create the title.
      • Show Legend. Select this option if you want to display a legend. If selected, you will need to designate a location with respect to the graph.
      • Include Failed Runs. Select this option if you want the graph to include any runs that do not execute successfully.
    • Set the following options on the 2D tab.
      • Show gridlines. Select this option to display gridlines on the graph.
      • Custom Axis Tick Precision. Select this option to define a custom precision for the tick label of the given axis. A negative value indicates the number of digits to the left of the decimal point (e.g., –3 means round to the nearest thousand). A positive value indicates the number of digits to the right of the decimal point (e.g., 2 means round to the nearest hundredth). Valid values range from –14 to 6.

  11. Click Next.

  12. On the Creation Summary screen that appears, review and verify the information.

  13. Click Finish.

    Isight adds the graphs to the gateway.