Updating Existing Graphs

Once a graph has been created in the Design Gateway or in the Runtime Gateway, you can change the options and the job information selected to generate the graph.

This task shows you how to:

Update the Options Used to Create a Graph

You can edit a graph’s options such as parameters, general options, and legend options without recreating the graph.

  1. From the Design Gateway Graph Templates tab or the Runtime Gateway Graphs tab, right-click the graph that you want to update, and select Edit Options.

    The Options Editor dialog box appears.

  2. Update any of the available options. For more information on the options, see Creating Graphs for Components.

  3. Click OK.

    Isight updates the graph.

Update the Jobs Used to Create a Graph

You can edit the job information used to create a graph without recreating the graph.

  1. From the Design Gateway Graph Templates tab or the Runtime Gateway Graphs tab, right-click the graph that you want to update, and select Edit Job Selection.

    The Job Selection Editor appears.

  2. Update the job information, as desired. For more information, see Creating Graphs for Components.

  3. Click OK.

    Isight updates the graph.