About the Madymo Component

The Madymo component allows Isight to exchange data with Madymo generic multi-body and FEA software and to execute a Madymo simulation.

The Madymo component allows you to create a direct link to Madymo. The component reads input and output files and exposes the input and output parameters. You can modify the input parameters. During execution, Madymo executes the simulation with the modified values and recalculates the output parameters.

The component can do the following:

  • Update the parameters in the Madymo simulation from Isight.
  • Map input/output parameters to Isight parameters by selecting parameters from the Madymo component.

You can use Isight process components (such as DOE and Optimization) to iterate through the design space and optimize the model.

The following figure shows the Madymo Component Editor:

To start the Madymo Component Editor, double-click the Madymo component icon . When you have finished configuring the Madymo Component Editor, click OK to close the editor. For more information about inserting components and accessing component editors, see Working with Components in the Isight User’s Guide.