The ANSA component is an application component that creates a direct link to ANSA.The ANSA component exposes all design variables of ANSA model's optimization for use within Isight. During set up of the simulation process flow, the component retrieves each variable's current value, name, type, and range. You can modify the values of input parameters from the ANSA component editor. During execution, Isight sends the set of design variable values to ANSA for processing and generation of a finite element solver input file. The updated design variable vectors can be specified manually or generated automatically by any of the available process components. Files of all finite element formats supported by ANSA can be generated by the ANSA component. The solver input file is also stored within the Isight database and can be mapped to downstream simulation components for subsequent execution and results postprocessing. You can use Isight process components (such as DOE and Optimization) to iterate through the design space and optimize the model. The following figure shows the ANSA Component Editor: To start the ANSA Component Editor, double-click the ANSA component icon |